My breakfasts are very samey when I'm in work, as I take them in with me and have them on my first break - nearly always porridge, with milk from my allowance, topped with berries.
When I'm at home, I like cooked breakfasts. Tomorrow I'm planning on having a breakfast omelette - 2 eggs, whisked with a tbsp of water (don't ask me why, but it does make a difference), fried with Frylight and then finished off under the grill. I'll probably fill that up with Quorn sausages, mushroom and tomatoes. The omelettes make a good wrap, if you have time to do them in the morning. It's something you can make, then take with you to eat on your way to work.
I always always always fry my mushrooms with some dried oregano and loads of black pepper, sometimes with a bit of garlic as well. YUM.