Whats for breakfast?

Always, doesn't everyone?! Tesco is easy for it but my favourite is wee corner shops with old women behind the counter....lol x

Ha ha ha I read that you wee'd behind the counter with the old woman! x
Hi, just wondering if this is ok for brekkie. I make up some sweet cous cous with water a little vanilla essence,and sweetner, the night before, then in the morning I add mashed banana, a weight watchers desert yogurt,mix in and heat in the micro so its warm and then add some chopped pear. Sounds a bit peculiar, but its really nice n filling, and then I can save my Hexb, n have alpen bars in the evening.

Debbie :)
Breakfast this morning is All Bran Chocolate Crunch with milk :)
Coco shreddies, yogurt and banana

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Has anyone tried millet porridge? I think it's free but don't want to buy a bag if its going to be awful :)