magic porridge and raspberries this morning
alwayssunshine Full Member 1 March 2013 #5,822 I'm having an omlette with mushrooms and cheese (HEA) plus a banana.
Princess_Stevie Gold Member 1 March 2013 #5,826 Apple, pineapple, strawberries and a vanilla Muller Light
Sculls Silver Member 2 March 2013 #5,836 Ham, mushroom, spinach and (low low) cheese (A) omelette with red bush tea
T Time_to_diet Full Member 2 March 2013 #5,837 I made magic porridge for the first time the other day, yummy. Husband was jealous! Really fancy pancakes this morning, but not enough time...
I made magic porridge for the first time the other day, yummy. Husband was jealous! Really fancy pancakes this morning, but not enough time...
donna88 Gold Member 2 March 2013 #5,838 Just had a gorgeous cooked breakfast 1 syn for 2 sausages and the rest completely free..... yum yum
xJoanneJJx Gold Member 2 March 2013 #5,839 Ryvita with philli light and salmon with scrambled egg Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins Attachments image-814525002.jpg 593 KB · Views: 75
Haylesm Full Member 2 March 2013 #5,840 Had a banana followed by a bowl of melon, grapes and strawberries Trying to keep my HE for a pizza a dinner time!!
Had a banana followed by a bowl of melon, grapes and strawberries Trying to keep my HE for a pizza a dinner time!!