Whats for breakfast?

2 poached eggs.. half a can of baked beans (free on extra easy ) I 800g slice of wholemeal bread( HeB)
I tried magic porridge and it was yummy. Used Activia fat free vanilla and put some mixed frozen berries and a touch of splenda on top and a tiny glug of semi skimmed milk. It was really nice! x
Crunchy bran, I forgot to do my magic porridge before I went to bed.
No idea yet :( am at my mums and she 'doesn't do' healthy food apparently - my own fault I should've known really
Think I need to invest in some bigger bowls, had a massive bowl of fruit and yogurt! Doing some damage control after the amazing past 2 days I've had
Half a can of beans and half a can of tomatoes with a banana early on ( ravenous at 4 am when I went for a pee ).

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Big brekie this morning! Quorn sausages, poached eggs, baked beans, tinned tomatoes, mushrooms & 2 wholemeal toast :) yum!!
Big breakfast for me today: eggs, beans, new potatoes followed by a pear and a HiFi bar :)