I had a Muller light cherry yoghurt followed by banana and cup of tea. But need to go get a piece of fruit or something cos am getting hungry and not lunch time until 1pm.
So simple, whisk egg whites with sweetener and cinnamon to taste, I whisk it till nearly meringue peaks but still a little loose. Whisk egg yolk and fold into the egg whites. Fry light your pan and on a low heat scoop out enough mixture for what ever size pancake you want. They are quite airy done this way, but if I am in a rush I just whack it all in a bowl, whisk with a fork and pour in the pan both ways are delish just one is more poncey than the other!!
If I knew how to upload pictures I would xx
**correction - now i am home i can upload!! one with strawberries is the quick way and the one with just banana (and a little over done) is the "poncey" way **
Well not today as I've sort of missed it... but tomorrow (back on plan ) will be a big bowl of fruit topped with a vanilla muller light and i really cant wait to get back on plan!
6 Savour Bakes rye crispbreads (HeB) with lean smoked ham on them.
Same tomorrow but with a handful of cherry toms to make up the 1/3 superfree ( didn't have any when I went shopping ).