Whats for breakfast?

I didn't get time for breaky pre work so ended up eating throughout the morning. I hate this because I can't have my usual eggs and toast and I'm hungry all morning despite what i eat. iI ate two alpen bars, half a box of grapes, a banana and an apple and still my stomach was growling. The worst thing is that I find if I get hungry then I get all bloated and gassy all afternoon?! I try to avoid being hungry as much as I can or risk being grumpy and uncomfortable all day?

I get bloated and gassy when I eat too much fruit so this is probably what is happening when you snack on the fruit throughout the morning xx
Strawberries and fat-free natural yogurt :)
I'm having magic porridge with nixed berries :)
I've just had 2 slices of white bread (6 Syns) with 2 tbsp peanut butter (9 Syns) because I'm under so much stress and being good was the last thing on my mind.
A bit annoyed with myself when I realised that's my 15 Syns gone for the day :( and I'm round my mums for dinner tonight which I usually save my Syns for :(
:( :(
I'm having 2 boiled eggs and 2 slices w/m toast with 2 tsps of light marg (2 syns). And a large cup of tea!
I'm starving!!!!!
6 x Finn Crisp with Philli Light and Smoked Salmon.
Keep reading about these alpen lights are they a bar? Can you have one as a HE

They're a cereal bar. You can have 2 as a B choice or they're 3 syns each :) x