Gold Member
How many syns?
2 for the half tbsp of Nutella - as long as you don't cook the banana it's still syn free, and I used my bread from my B choice x
How many syns?
Fruit salad cous cous with some blueberry yogx
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Do you sweeten the cous cous?
i did put a wee bit of sweetener on it before i put the boiling water on it but to be honest, once it's mixed through with the fruit and yog, you can't really taste it...it just bulks it up a bit
it's a strange texture but once you're past that...it's okx
I'd hear of cous cous and leftover boiled rice with fruit and yogurt and wondered if it needed sweetening x
I make rice pudding a lot and have it with berries and yog for breakfast, it depends on your taste I guess but I really find I can make them without sweetener (and do the rice in water instead of milk) cos the yog disguises the taste anyway
If I wasn't having them with yog, it would be a different ball game for me lol x
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Ive got some pudding rice so I'll give it a gox
Is the rice for breakfast just the same as the rice pudding dessert? I've made that one time before using muller light+the cream soda... Think if it's the same id find it too sweet for breakfast x
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Oh sounds lovely, def gonna try that. Do u just boil the rice in water+drain after a wee while when it's softened then add ur fruit when it has cooled? x
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