whats for lunch

Minestrone soup with piece of toast, satsuma with mullerlight yogurt
I made a huge pan of creamy mushroom soup last night, so todays lunch is a big bowl of that with a WW Petit Pain (HExB). Pomegranate for afters, yum! :)
Jacket potato with primula light cheese. - Salad.
Couscous, salad and falafels. Yum. So glad I've joined sw, I've realised that lunch doesn't have to be a same-old sandwich and pack of crisps everyday!
What's scan bran cake?!
Having a chicken noodle salad I picked up from tesco today after finding out its only 2.5 syns. Its got a chilli & Lime dressing it looks amazing!
Home made curried butternut squash soup followed by raspberries and a mullerlite yog.
Having a chicken noodle salad I picked up from tesco today after finding out its only 2.5 syns. Its got a chilli & Lime dressing it looks amazing!

OH MY GOODNESS i thought there were 4.5syns which is still low! Woo hoo I know what I'm getting for lunch!
Melon, sweet potato with baked beans, nectarine with very low fat fromage frais
Today I had a SW full English for lunch;

Weight watchers sausages x 2 (1 syn)
Eggs scrambled (milk hex a)
Lean back bacon grilled
Grilled tomatoes
Fried mushrooms (in fry light)

Also made baked beans but left them in the microwave by mistake and realised too late so chucked them out !
Nimble bread x2 and lean roast beef and watercress with a tiny scraping of extra light flora. An apple, Boots shapers cream soda and a white chocolate and raspberry crispy thing from Boots that's 5 syns