Oops! I'd already began munching before taking a photo so it doesn't look as nice now!!
A huge salad with tomatoes, cucumber, lettuce, sugar snap peas, red pepper, green pepper and my lovely diet coke ham! With a little bit of EL salad cream over the top
A Mug Shot. Ergh, was up at 5.30am for a meeting and had no enthusiasm to make lunch so having a bit of a rubbish one but will make an effort for a nice superfree healthy dinner tonight. If I don't fall asleep first :nightf:
I had Quorn Hotpot today with loads of veg, as it was on the menu at the primary school where I work. The cook is a Maintainer with SW so it's really handy as she can instantly tell me what's Syn Free and what isn't. Unfortunately, the totally delicious cheese flan she makes doesn't fall into the former category!!