Most likely gona b a syn-free omelette 4 me. I'v been stayin syn-free the last few days as I'm goin 2 my cousin's weddin party 2nite n altho I'l TRY 2 control myself at the buffet I wana leave sum margin 4 the inevitable slip ups!!!! lol!
Skinny lizzy are only in our Morrisons sometimes and the same with LM sausages the rosemary and onion ones only one shop around here sells them and they are lovely and best of all syn free I introduced our C to them now she boasts about them!!
Tesco Classics 450g Liver and Bacon in Onion Gravy (3 Syns) - shared with my OH, served with SW Cheese and Onion Comfort Pie, carrots, green beans and broccoli. Dessert - Tesco Finest meringue nest (2.5 Syns), filled with Muller Coconut + Vanilla FF Greek yoghurt (0.5 Syns), topped with fresh strawberries and pineapple.