Wot gherkins r the best 2 get that actually taste like 1s from MacD's? Luv them but 1s I buy nvr taste rite :-(
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West African curry with rice, peppers, onions & mushrooms
<img src="http://www.minimins.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=101132"/>
West African curry with rice, peppers, onions & mushrooms
<img src="http://www.minimins.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=101132"/>
Slimming World falaffel on a bed of green beans that were fried in Chinese 5 spice. Was delicious!
I made it exactly as the Slimming world recipe says. Handy snack to have around. Just had some more! Yum yum!
West African curry with rice, peppers, onions & mushrooms
<img src="http://www.minimins.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=101132"/>