Whats for tea tonight?

I'm stuck between chicken chasseur, lamb saag or saag aloo. Can't decide what I fancy :p Maybe chicken chasseur then I can have a glass of white wine from what is leftover after cooking :p
That made me chuckle Ronnie because we have pasta Monday in our house too!!
OH's on strange shifts though so we won't be eating together this week, so I'm being a rebel and having something different tonight!! :)
i do a menu on a thursday night for the following week so i can see what i need to buy from the butcher but without fail on a monday is chicken pasta and on a wednesday (cos is cinema night) its chicken and savory rice. Am so predicable
Quorn fillets in sauce (I cant remember what flavour!), sw chips, roasted vine toms, broccoli cheese (with dairylea) and a side salad if it will fit!
It was going to be a HM yorkshire pud, potatoes, veggies and gravy....but it morphed into quorn sausages, turkey rashers, SW chips and beans.

Proper comfort food - it looked nothing like *diet* food, either :D

I'm just waiting to see if I get indigestion again - I suspect the quorn sausages may not agree with me - does anyone else find that?

I cant eat anything quorn....Its one thing that sets my tum off real bad :eek:

we had stew with fine beans & new potatoes, Im loving the comfort food weather (but hating having the central heating on!)
Very spicy home made chicken curry .... even hotter than normal due to the lid falling off my chilli flakes lols ......... ;-
Spag Bol ala MrMc. Except we didn't have any mushrooms or tom puree, so he 'freestyled' and substituted them with peas and tobasco lol. My DD2 is still looking at her plate and sulking....