Gold Member
Phewww !!
How's you today you got any plans ? X
I'm not bad you? My mum step dad and doggies have come to visit me and then seeing my little nephew later you? Xx
Phewww !!
How's you today you got any plans ? X
I'm not bad you? My mum step dad and doggies have come to visit me and then seeing my little nephew later you? Xx
Aww that's nice ;-)
Warm not much planned for the rest of the day just getting bits done in the house nothing exciting...
Might try and put some stuff on ebay I NEED a sort out X
What stuff you got to sell anything nice? Xx
Clothes that done fit no more ;-) X
I need to sort out son's wardrobe... It's full of clothes that don't fit him anymore! I've sold quite a few things on the fb selling sites.... As people are local it's pick up only and cash on collection... I can't be bothered with posting stuff lol. Xx
Woo that's good well done X
Never got round to even looking though them haha need to do it tho how's you today X
I'm good thanks you xx
Aww thanks ;-) X
Are the scales looking good for you ?
What day you going to weigh ?
I picked sat as I can enjoy Saturday night with hubby ad have a nice takeaway then back to being good for the week tomorrow were having a greek Mmmm can't wait X
Oo sounds nice never had greek and they are looking good at the moment. Fingers crossed. I'm going to weigh on Monday I think that way I won't be tempted to go to pot over the weekend when the bfs off work. Good luck for weigh in tomorrow. You got a number you are hoping for? Xx
Ohhh I love it I get chicken kebab rice and salad they do gorgeous homemade chips but I do avoid them ;-)
I'm trying to get back to what I was before my Christmas GREEDY holiday haha
No nit really just abit lighter than last week would do haha
I'm just off to do the tea then I'm going to see
My friends new baby she had to cancel the other day so going after I've eat my tea Mmmm Speak soon X
Mmm I love French FriesAldi's ones aren't bad and lower in syns x