Currently on the war path with EDF - due to a mix up by their INCOMPETENT STAFF (sorry if anyone works for them) I have now had a letter from a Debt Collection Agency, apparently one of their staff has gone into my account in ERROR and created a £459 debt for 2 months last year. I pay by direct debit the stupid fools, I have sent a strongly worded e mail to them, advising them that the so called agent needs to be disciplined and if the Debt Collectors come to my door it will be EDF in court not me .... arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Busy day, hate emdropped little un with nanna so she can take her to nursery coz i cant, got to get kids to school, go watch daughters nativity play in am, get son to speech therapy appt. straight after then back to school for his nativity in pm, collect em from school, go collect little un from nursery then older 2 kids swimming!
Shirleen said:Work today, then maybe a haircut this afternoon.
Thats usually my trick! Did manage to get in on the day I wanted this time though....just!I need my hair cutting desperately but as usual I've left it too late and everywhere will probably be fully booked![]()