Whats occurring?

Sounds good!
We are hoping to give the geocaching a try this weekend if you hae any tips? x

Yes, read the hints, also read the logs, also look for things which may be not quite right, perhaps a stone where it shouldn't be, look in all nooks & crannys, take a pen, twizzers, torch (oh yes a torch), explore everything (not poo though:eek:), I find micro ones the hardest as they are so tiny you just can't see them, if it is a micro one, just try all nuts & bolts, even if they're not out of place. Have fun & maybe take a flask of tea/coffee just in case.
Yes, read the hints, also read the logs, also look for things which may be not quite right, perhaps a stone where it shouldn't be, look in all nooks & crannys, take a pen, twizzers, torch (oh yes a torch), explore everything (not poo though:eek:), I find micro ones the hardest as they are so tiny you just can't see them, if it is a micro one, just try all nuts & bolts, even if they're not out of place. Have fun & maybe take a flask of tea/coffee just in case.

You'll love it emsie!

We're off now for a couple of hours xx
My two love it!

Eldest whose 8 really loves it and we all push and shove when scrabbling to find the cache! xx

That made me laugh, 'cause me & OH do, & how annoyed do you feel when somebody else has found it (like OH) and what's worse when you can't find it. It's my birthday at the end of the month & we're going away for a few nights & where we go depends on where we can geocache.
Finished work for the wk so going through all lil books that came free with the Mirror newspaper this wk and the lastest S/W mag for recipies and writing a shopping list.

Dosed up of sudafed wrapped in a blanky.

I'm sure I've asked before, but how do you start?

I know you just need a GPS enabled phone and then an app, but which apps are worth getting?

It sounds silly but I'm also a bit concerned about "acting suspiciously"! I work in central London and there are loads within a few 100m of where I work, but there are also a lot of over zealous police around who tend to act first and then ask questions later, and I don't want to spend all my time explaining why I'm scrabbling around!

I bought the actual geocaching app, I have iPhone and think it was (£6.99), although the same for android I think?!

We've only done 1/2 a dozen so far and the app has been fine. The map and compass work fine and I can view description, logs and hints. Only thing is that it bum rapes by battery so I tend to have to turn it on and off until we're really close and then hone in using the compass.

Re built up areas - I'm not sure?! We've only really done ones in fields and parklands so far? HH is probably better placed to answer that one! xx
I've just googled this geocaching thing, it sounds really cool! Do you do everything on the app or do you log things on a website? Might have a go..
We have a gps & use that, but DD has an app for her smartphone it's called cgeo & it's free. Basically it can be a free hobby, when on holiday my sister's boyfriend downloaded the geocaching app & I think it cost about £6. We generally come home & log everything on the website.

I don't really like urban geocaching 'cause you can look suspicious I prefer woods & lanes, but we do wonder round & just scan our eyes around for anything that looks odd, & maybe 'drop' something or 'do something' to get more time.

You don't have to leave anything in a cache but if you do you can leave small things like stamps, coins, kiddie small toys.
Thanks Happy hols x

Am absoloutely shattered but woke ages before had to :( just hoping to get through the day at work and have a relaxing evening!

Your welcome:D

In so much pain with my neck and shoulder :(

Noooooooo I hate it when I've got neck & shoulder pain, you just can't walk/sit/do anything properly & that just makes it all worse:( Mydad gave me ibruprofen gel which I've used & I really like it, but my sister used it on her hip & it didn't. I like the gel, 1, because I can't take ibruprofen internally (due to ulcer) & 2, you can just keep putting it on, 2, it works for me.
Happy Holidays said:
Noooooooo I hate it when I've got neck & shoulder pain, you just can't walk/sit/do anything properly & that just makes it all worse:( Mydad gave me ibruprofen gel which I've used & I really like it, but my sister used it on her hip & it didn't. I like the gel, 1, because I can't take ibruprofen internally (due to ulcer) & 2, you can just keep putting it on, 2, it works for me.

I've got an appointment at the doctors (started writing vets then lol) at 10.40 this morning, it's a reoccurring problem and I'd like it sorted, X-rays have been mentioned :(