I get like that....really agitated if the towels aren't straight in the bathroom, if the cushions are 'wrong' on the sofa, if the rug's not straight etc. and the worst is if the work top saver above the drawers in the kitchen isn't in the middle!! Arghh!!
Hope tomorrow is a better day for you hun xxx
My OCD is mainly with things being locked, I check all the cupboard and filing cabinets at work at least 3 times before I leave, I check my bag before I leave work, when I get in the car, when I get home and before I go to bed. I dunno what I think is going to happen. I have to check all the doors are locked 3 timesand I check my children's bedroom windows every night even though I know they havent been used. I drive myself bonkers but I have days like today when everything is making me arsy. Tomorrow will be fine, just need to get this out of my system... and probably go to the doctors for more meds haha xx