Gold Member
I've got the ironing to do as you know! Also got a bit of sewing to do as sons button has come off his blazer and his stitching is coming undone at the armpit!Just spent last 3 hours ironing & general tidyingnow I need to sew my daughters dance leggings coz they have a hole in them... I've a spicy tomato & BNS stew/soup cooking for lunches from tomorrow - have a maggis balti cooking (veggie tho with quorn, peppers & onions) to have with broccoli & rice for next couple of days... I've had a few disastrous attempts at restarting recently but I'm hoping getting organised might help! Also subscribed to RSC thread for new ideas... Never tried mung beans but the pancakes sound interesting...
Good to hear you have subscribed to the rsc thread, its a bit quiet on there, be nice to get it going again.
The mung beans are great and so cheap! Reading around for recipes the yellow ones are quite good for puddingy recipes so am going to try and get some of them. I had the mung bean pancakes for breakfast this morning with bacon and cheese also having them for dinner tomorrow just not sure what with!