Whats occurring?

We've been out on a geocaching evening & then the local for 1, I'm now sat here on pc in my new high viz hat, because i can:D & it's fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Laid in bed listening to Jacob and hubby down stairs
Did you have a wine Michelle ;) :) x

I did, I had just 1 large red, thing is when I was drinking it I knew I could only have 1 otherwise I'd be suffering today, it's one way of keeping me on track!!!!

We're out tonight & think I'll be on cider, it's hard work this going out lark!!!!!
Im watching a prog on sky called who the hell did I marry lol - its about women in America thinking they have married the perfect guy, and then things start going wrong leading to violence and death!!
It's my day off!!! OH thinks he can do nothing on his days off.... So next weekend I am also on strike! No washing, no cooking, no cleaning etc..... :D
Thing is though, he's really not that bothered if his bedding isn't changed or the bathroom towels, he irons all his own work stuff, he tends to make his own food... So i don't think my plan will work! :mad:
You both work hun, he needs to do his fair share in the house too as well as making his own food. If you didnt wash his clothes he wouldnt have them to iron, if you didnt wash the dishes he wouldnt have any to put his food on, there would be no towels in the bathroom clean or dirty if YOU didnt put them there.