Sounds good Michelle. Im in bed on my kindle then this morning am taking son to a soccer match at his school, then quick lunch before going to a McMillan coffee and cake sale with daughter where I hope to avoid cakesthen to Lidl to do shopping and then tonight we have a house party fir friends daughters 16th birthday where I also hope to avoid cake......and alcohol!
I'm very exciting right now, you know how I get, just a tad giddy, yep if you want a favour now would be a good time to ask for one. DS is home for the weekend, so had a nice evening with him last night. I'm picking OH up from work today, then we're off to Cleveleys for a wedding, doing a spot of geocaching, then chill in the bath, tea at the hotel & then off to the wedding, so should be a good day. Then tomorrow it's OH's 50th birthday, he's not doing anything special, but my sister will be here & my mum is coming round we're either going out for lunch or having a nice lunch in, we'll see. I've bought OH some slippers to open as we agreed to put money towards a nice weekend away, which has already been booked, we're off to Poland in February, where it will be highs of -4, hence the cheap flights!!!!!!!!!!! Have a lovely weekend everyone whatever you're up to x
Sounds good Michelle.
Im in bed on my kindle then this morning am taking son to a soccer match at his school, then quick lunch before going to a McMillan coffee and cake sale with daughter where I hope to avoid cakesthen to Lidl to do shopping and then tonight we have a house party fir friends daughters 16th birthday where I also hope to avoid cake......and alcohol!
Your weekend sounds lovely and relaxed! xx
You can do it, could you just have a little bit of alcohol or would you feel better going without? x
Lots of avoiding there Emsie! Hope you manage xx
Next week I won't be avoiding cake and alcohol as its hubbys birthday celebrations so trying to be good this week.
I may as well not have any then I can drive and save money, as well as the syns! Also can't be doing with the idea of a hangover tomorrow at the football lol x
Sat in the car waiting for kick off at sons football match, its pouring with rain ::-(