I've been thinking about why I find this forum so useful and the support of fellow LT so invaluable.
All my life I've been aware of other people's expectations of me.
I was the only girl in my family (one brother, seven cousins all boys). So I was different from everyone else to start with, all the boys would be in the middle of the room playing rough and tumble and I'd have to sit on a chair with the adults looking pretty! I was also my nan's pet. I adored my nan and the feeling was mutual. Because I was the only girl she spoiled me rotten. My nan was very glamorous and wanted me to always look pretty. It's no exaggeration to say I wasn't allowed out of pink till I was 18

. I get one really well with my cousins and brother, but I know they see me differently to them.
My mum had been very clever at school but they'd not had the money for the grammar school uniform so couldn't go on. Plus she had to leave school as soon as she could to earn money for the family. My dad did ok at school, but because of trauma in his family, he played a lot of truant at school. he only decided to "knuckle down" as a teenager and I knew how much he regretted it. He talked about how he saw lots of his friends going into"white collar" jobs whilst he ended up in factories. Out of all my generation of the family, I was the one who did well at school, so knew I had the opportunity to do things that my mum and dad had only dreamed about. They were always proud of me but I always felt that expectation that I should use the opportunities that they had never had to do as well as I could
So I as I've grown and matured, I've always tried to live up to my family's expectations for me. And despite being 45, I'm still doing it.
I've pushed myself to be as successful as I can in my job.....Despite working at least a 50 hour week, I make sure I spend most of Sunday's with my mum (since my dad died 3 years ago)...... I take my aunt on days out as regularly as I can (my uncle died same time as my dad) .....And, despite being so over weight, I spend ages on my appearance so that people often comment on my nice clothes or good make up.
When most of the time what I actually want to do is curl up in a ball under my duvet and hide. It's not often that I'm just me.
Even at work now, I realised that if things were going to improve in my school my first job was to nurture my staff and look after them. They could only start being better for the kids, once they were being looked after properly.
But sometimes I just want to say "But what about me?"
So that's my longwinded way of saying why this forum is so great. Here I can just be me and whenever I need support you're always here for me.