Well the LT is going well for me. Faced a BIG test today.
To my eternal shame, I've raised a Train Spotter! My eldest son is really into trains. It stems from all the time he spent with my dad when he was little. He loved trains and JCBs, so my dad used to take him every where he could to see them, including rail tours . The they both got into model railway building, joining a club and building a 15ft long layout (Don't call it a railway set Mother!) in my dad's cellar!
Any how, his passion for train spotting means he likes to go places away from home to spot trains that don't run on the West coast. Hence we make regular trips across country for him. Today we took him to Doncaster (70 miles away). When we've been there in the past, we get there about 9am, head to McDonalds for breakfast. The he goes off spotting whilst we kill as much time as possible walking round Doncaster. This involves at least three stops in coffee shops, with muffins etc on the side.
So today, having been forced out of my bed at 7:30, i found myself in McD surrounded by people eating sausage and egg mcmuffins and hash browns. Now i can take or leave McD burgers, but their breakfast muffins I could kill for! I was worried how I'd get on, but you know I found it ok.
Rather than focus on the fact that I couldn't eat the mcd and feeling sorry for myself, I focused on how strong I was being and how actually I didn't want to spoil what I'd achieved by eating the mcmuffin! And so, I actually felt pleased I wasn't eating.
I've managed to keep this up in the two coffee places we went into as well. So instead of feeling down, I feel great! Mind you the new necklace and ear-rings i treated myself to from the Bulter and Wilson shop all helped with the feeling good sensation.