O.K..... I'm sitting here staring at a bag of Wine Gums and suddenly remembered that as a child I honestly believed you could get drunk on them!!!!!! arty0016:
So come ladies and gents.. What did you believe as a child that you laugh at now???
Oooh I love that one, about curly hair I mean, I used to long for curly hair... Maybe that's why I love bread...
When I was little I believed pretty much everything anyone told me, including that getting told off was put on your permanent record and sent to the police when you left school so they could keep an eye on you ...
If you tell lies your nose will grow long like Pinocchio.
I love crusts !!! But I didn't want curly hair so refused to eat them. Infuriated my gran no end that I would sneak them into a pocket and feed them to the birds!
I remember the A-Team coming on the TV and turning the set off to get my brothers from outside believing I had 'paused' the programme!!! And can you believe it we can do it now, the wonders of modern technology!!
My mother desperately tryng to explain what periods were and not really getting anywhere and then I said "Oh, I know! That's what is called constipation!!"..
Ahh I always used to believe you could get drunk on wine gums, and felt such a rebel while eating them! I always believed that if I ate my crusts my hair would go curly, and the if you eat your carrots it will make you see better in the dark..it was only when I was around 13/14 I found out was un-true haha!
Perhaps slightly different, but in my day .. ... we watched a programme on TV called ITMA (It's That Man Again) and when the cleaner came into the office she would say "Can I do you now, Sir?" and we all fell about laughing! It was the daring smut of that era and considered very rude. ...
I remember when my mum first joined Weight Watchers, all I was told is that she was going there to lose weight, I thought about it and thought about, then on the way to pick her up with my dad, I asked 'Will mum come out thin??' I just had this image in my head, of my mum going in and these people just cutting all the fat off her, then she'd just walk out thin afterwards, perfectly fine! LOL (If only lol)