Hmmm of course my belly is better but not as good as id hoped it would be almost 3 and a half stone down, i think id need an apronectomy to rid me of it altogether! If i get brave enough il do a pic!!!
I too hate it so much!!! Im caked in stretchmarks, the overhang bulges under jeans and pokes out in a tight dress, i live for massive nickers that flattern me down!! The ones that go right up to ur bra and half way down ur legs hahaha sexy!!!!!!!
A great loss so far

um.... I would try and make one of th days an ID?? Can u make today or tomoro around the 1200 cal mark, in my experience 2 ups together result in an initial big gain BUT a lot of people on here have sat and sun as ups and still lose, so u cud try to ups? A d if it results in a gain u know maybe not to do it again?! This diet is soooo trial and error, everyones different rnt they!!!! X