aww babes dont feel bad there are loads of us in the same boat at the moment xxxx Just focus this week and see how you go xxx
Ah lumps, i hear ya!!!! Its all in ur mind hun i bet ur clthes still fit the same, i think our minds r fuk-ed from all this dieting!!!! I layed awke for ages last night feeling so crap coz id given into some chicken legs!!! I mean chicken??? not like id gorged on kfc!! Woke up this morning feeling a proper heffa like id gained 7lbs..... Scales show a pound lighter from yesterday?!
Youll be fine babeand if u gotta do a cd stint so be it.... Ive not been 100% atall this week but im still losing, so its still doin sumin not being in ketosis hasnt it?!?? Xx
Ohhh yea i cant wait for a drink!!!! My next night out is in a few weekshopefully b 11st by then! God i feel so bogged down and stressed today!!! I know y and i cant believe im letting something to do with someone else irritate me soooooo much but i cant help it!!!! Rarrrrr
littlemumma said:So far today.....
S+s macNcheese with added brocolli
1/2 a chicken breast
1.5L of water
S+s lemon and white choc bar
Feel stuffed atm but will try for another product about 8-9pm
Vjdisme said:Hi I'm doing Cd and keep sodding up at weekends . Do u think I could do Cd mon to Friday then eat normal sat sun ?
littlemumma said:Ummm?! Possibley the only thing is each time you'll take urself out of ketosis and have to deal with just gettin back into it again and then ull eat again..... If u cant stay on it at wkends mayb u could just eat little monday to friday - say under 6-800 cals then eat what u want sat and sun?
I think id just find it a bit pointless to do cd weekdays then blow it at the wkend?
Or try and see u get in with?? X