Thats one thing i will say Vj on juddd ur weight fluctuates sooooo much, after an UD u may have 'gained' upto 5lbs then after a DD lost 5lbs its crazy!!!!!
See what works for u! I was kinda doin this on juddd toward the end - mon and tues both DD, weds Up, thursday and fri DD, sat UP, sunday ID (about 1200cal)
And thats how il prob continue it tbh 4 DDs 2UPs and 1 ID
Yeah ur both right!!!! Im so near the end now that a one off wont hurt too much, and yes my wedding, my fun!!!
Ah missie my oh is the same hes soooooo fed up of this diet - mainly coz were all eating separately so costing a lot and also my hair is falling out everywhere- its literally getting in everything

lol!! Xx