Try Aldi they are cheap enough and quality is good. Also every 2 weeks they have 6 items in special offer 39p & 69p. Until saturday they have 39p offers - Beetroot, broccoli, savoy cabbage, carrot, salad potatoes and onion (I think)It works out much more expensive than supermarkets and often is not what you want.
WW white rolls (hex b) are in poundland - 6 pack (cant remember price there!!!!!!!)
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Do you have an Aldi near you?? They are reasonable and the quality is good
Iceland still have the greek mullerlights on offer for £1 I stocked up on the luscious lemon and coconut as they are £2.14 is asda rip off lol
Pretty much all Asda's own range of pasta was 50p a bag today. Worth stocking up =)
Ladies - If your buying your WW stuff from poundland check the dates first - I bought a packet of bagels last week and they were 3 days out of date
Our were dated end of march
Btw us "ladies" thank you for helping the slimming cause amongst the genders!
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