Where the bargains are at and anything else thats useful.

Went to Iceland and bought Ciabatta (4 rolls) - each roll 149 cals (HEXB+ 1.5 syns tweak), dinner rolls (6 rolls)- each roll 121 Cals (HEXB tweak) £1 for the lot.

Popped into aldi whilst there bought pineapple (59p), banana (68p), did not like the cucumber as it was soft & squidgey, mangoes were too hard, family pack mushroom (£1.39), bag of pear - think 7 (£1.19) and bag of Gala apples (99p). They had loads of other reasonable offers but did not need anything else. Bear root fruit trees £3.99. Might get some cherry trees next time I am there (trouble is they go so quick).
Beans have to be Heinz, simple as that.