Mmmm well to be honest, if all women walked around wearing nothing but a big baggy black TENT and a burka (sorry don't know how to spell it?) then I'd be quite happy being huge and stuffing my face all the time ......

, very honest answer there
That's the thing isn't it. Doesn't matter if it makes you feel bad...shortness of breath, difficulty getting around, reduced lifespan, sweaty under the boobs etc etc etc
What most people really want is for others to think they look nice. And they do all this hard work mainly for that reason.
It's not enough. It may get you down to target. You might even stay at target by constantly eating too much then panicking and pulling back, but until people chose to want to do it totally for themselves then it's could be difficult in the very long term.
I used to think that if I loved myself or had high self esteem, I was basically saying that I looked as good as the next person, but now I think that anything to do with my appearance has little to do with my self esteem. My self esteem comes from how I feel about myself. Whether I care enough to look after my health and wellbeing.
It has little to do with how others view my appearance, and if I try to slim because I think I look better that way, I'm really fooling myself and only thinking of how others will view my size.
Doesn't mean I have to go out looking like a wreck though and we all like to dress up etc, but it has little to do with self esteem.
I think I've said half of this already. Oh well