My mum has never cooked an evening meal for me, I always had my cooked meal at school and sandwiches at home.
This worked fine in primary school, where your food is dumped on a plate for you.
We weren't allowed coke or sweets, cereal was 'junk food' etc.
Then I went to secondary school, and instead of a set meal every day I was given MONEY to buy what I wanted, well, it ended up in the corner shop's tills every morning, and my average lunch was rice and spaghetti hoops
We got a microwave about the same time, so instead of sandwiches I'd have ready meals

and there were always boxes of cookies around the kitchen.
Earlier this year my friend learnt to drive and after cadets every Monday, we'd visit ASDA and I'd buy a fair few bars of smartprice chocolate, and sit and eat them

I'd consume about 500 calories of chocolate every day.
I used to do the 'eat less, exercise more' thing every now and again, but I'd stick with it for a week or 2 and hit a plateau, then go back to my old ways