Discover WI 20 Loss 6.25lb - 23lb since Dec 30th

Unacceptable Pugs! I am both shocked and saddened that you didn't think of me! :p haha! I don't even think you're on my facebook anymore :( did you delete me? Lol!

A stone is enough! I feel like crap! How much have you put on dude? Did you have a nice Christmas? Xx

I'm trying to find you and I can't and I don't know why! I never delete people, if someone annoys me (which you never did!) I hide them. Bizarre!

Hard to tell really. From my extreme lightest almost 2 and a half stone but from my kind of average happy lightest about 2 stone so that's roughly where I want to get back to :)

No complaints on Christmas, lots and LOTS of food :D You?
Toast - 5
Jelly - 0

21 for the day :)
I'm trying to find you and I can't and I don't know why! I never delete people, if someone annoys me (which you never did!) I hide them. Bizarre! Hard to tell really. From my extreme lightest almost 2 and a half stone but from my kind of average happy lightest about 2 stone so that's roughly where I want to get back to :) No complaints on Christmas, lots and LOTS of food :D You?

Are you searching 'Nicola Higham' :) I can't find you either!

Ah cool, I wanna lose this stone and maybe another so we're kinda level pegging. Although you lost 5lb this week which is awesome. I have some catching up to do!

Christmas was lovely thanks, lots of food and lots of family! My sister came home from France with my 2 year old niece, so much fun!

Hope you've had a nice evening!
Zero Noodles - Gluten Free Organic Noodles Zero Noodles are made from Konjac Glucomannan which is a natural soluble fibre produced by the Konjac Plant which is then mixed with water to produce the noodles. Zero Noodles are an alternative to heavy calorie filled pastas, so that you can still enjoy the foods you love whilst losing weight. Zero Noodles are relatively tasteless, as is pasta or rice, and absorb the flavour of the food and sauce in which they are cooked in.


Only 4kcal for 100g and u can buy Zero Rice and Zero Pasta too... Gr8 way of savings points .. Available in Holland and Barratt!
Ooooooh I'll need to look in to it
Walk to work today.

Banana 1
Porridge 3
Salad and dressing 0
Jelly 0
Popcorn 1

Beans and toast - 9
Jelly - 0

Toast - 5
Jelly- 0

Banana 1
Porridge 3
Salad and dressing 0
Jelly 0
Popcorn 1

Morning! Been a mental day in work!

Ravioli with Veg - 5
Bread - 1
Jelly - 0

Afternoon. Hopefully work will be calmer tomorrow X

It wont :) I'm down a staff member and as manager will be picking their work up. Ach it's a challenge if nothing else! And it's Friday, so it has that going for it! :D

Toast - 2
Bran Flakes -4
Jelly - 0

Me too, let's see what happens :)

Banana 1
Porridge 3
Salad and dressing 0
Jelly 0
Popcorn 1

I don't know how u can sustain Ur energy levels in d middle of a long working day wout any protein... Wud u not add some wafer thin ham/ turkey or some tuna to Ur salad .. All r fairly low points? Or do u rely on caffeine 2 keep u going?
Just an observation not giving u a lecture!!
Hope work was less busy for you today :) Not to rub salt in the wound or anything but I've just finished for the day :p xxx
I don't know how u can sustain Ur energy levels in d middle of a long working day wout any protein... Wud u not add some wafer thin ham/ turkey or some tuna to Ur salad .. All r fairly low points? Or do u rely on caffeine 2 keep u going?
Just an observation not giving u a lecture!!

It's always worked for me. I think the amount of coffee I take in gets me through the day. But I never feel weak or anything like that.

Hope work was less busy for you today :) Not to rub salt in the wound or anything but I've just finished for the day :p xxx

It wasn't, but I knew it wouldn't. Friday's meant to be 8.45 to 4 in my place. I did 8 to 5. But we work flexi so I'll get that back down the line :)

Rice and veg - 5
Bread - 2
Jelly - 0

It's weekend now :) woo! Xx

You are very right! And with it will come the first tests!

Out for a bit tomorrow afternoon. One of those ones with no concrete plans, so how does one plan for this? Well it will be zero point stuff all around it in case food happens. So got a pot of 0 point soup made and mushrooms and onions in for a breakfast! Hopefully means either side of being out that if foods involved I'll have very little else points wise and it will all be good :)