oooo he is a bad boy. invest in another tv. i have 3 in my living room. one for my wii, one for ps3 that we play rock band and singstar on and one for hubby's xbox which i dont touch coz cant stand it lolCaz, you and Linz are putting the rest of us to shame. Ive tried to get mine going today but Mark has plugged his PS3 in and messed up all the wiring so im going to have to wait for him to get home 1st. Im going to do some sit ups on my fit ball instead.
pm me your ps3 name and will add you as a friend, thats of course if you are online with it. all our scores got lost coz our ps3 broke so got a new one.We have playstation tv in the front room (love singstar!!) wii tv in the kitchen, kids tv in the playroom... oh & ours up in our bedroom which is by far the best one!
it is a killer, can only use it every 3 to 4 days as every part of me aches. slowy getting used to it though.Id love to learn how to use the pole, the lessos are so expensive and due to work i cant go every week. Bit of a waste for me. I think it would be a fantastic way to tone up though