Thats a good point Katie - i wasn't really thinking of it that way!
I may start going out for my lunch when i start work there so that they don't know i'm fighting the fat fight! Lol
Well I just got the shock of my life on my daily weigh in! I just hope its right, but its more likely water fluctuation!! lol
Marge I will always accept congratulations even if it does go back on tomorrow in water retention! lol
Ladies, the daily losses are in my signature
Question though.... is it just me? I got a mixed box from Exante last week and my bars had 2015 date on. Yesterday I had delivered a box of 50 of self same bars - and the date on those is Aug this year? Granted, they will be long gone by then, but the stock rotation at Exante seems to be poo!!
Ok now its there again.... ODD.
Today has been a GOOD day
I went into our office and saw a few folks I haven't seen before dieting and they ALL commented that my face looks slimmer although they weren't quite as nice when they found out I was there to resign! lol
Felt blummin lovely emptying my desk out :bliss: