I can't see you coming out of ketosis just coz of anti biotics. It has no sugar, fat or citrus in them. Have you got Ketostix the little sticks that test for it. I buy them as I go right into the dark purple so I know to drink more if that happens. They are roughly £4-£5 for a bottle of them from your chemist. If you don't want to fork out for them and this is going to sound disgusting but have a smell of your pee. The best way to do this is use a old bottle, jar or tupperware tub but make sure it has depth lol. No spills. And have a good whiff. If it smells of cereal like that honey type of cereal like honey loops or honey Cheerios then you are in ketosis. A little tip I picked up on here from one of the other dieters. It's so true. A little disgusting but true.
Also why did you get a B12 Jag and if it speeds up you metab can I get one and if so from where and how much. I'm drinking green tea as I am having a rough time of it and not losing much at all so anything that speeds up my metab is a thumbs up from me
Well done for not being tempted by the BBQ. My hubby bought a Indian it stank the house out and I had to walk out or I would have scoffed the whole lot and made him buy another for hisself so you have guts and it will help you through this.