Aw missie, ur so sweet-thanks

Just one of those days i think. Today i have woken up positive and ready to kick some butt. I also sent my brother to work with a fruit cake, banana caka and cookies as i do nkt want then here, he'll be popular today lol!
Why don't you tell your boss ur on antibiotics? Then if he trys to force drink upon you he's naighty, and if you tell eveyone they would hopefully tell you off if you went to cave in? But extreme but anything is worth a go as i k ow what you mean about fallig off the wagon for the wkend if u do on friday, wouldn't be a gd start. Maybe book u and the oh or friend etc to see a film early after work too so u can't go pub? Just an idea!
Good luk today guys, u r bkth doing amazing and i won't let u down today. I will fo the whole dvd today as couldnt yest, as well as my run. If i can drag someone i.e my mother with me, i might aim to go for a walk too.