wishing for skinny legs

Chin up hun and resist the urge you can do this :) x
Whoop I lost 4 lbs this week only 2 lbs next week and I would have kost the Christmas weight.
The urge has gone and I'm glad I didn't go and do it because the guilt isn't worth it.
Thanks everyone for the support last night and today really means a lot.
:talk017: Woo hoo well done hun keep it up and you will soon be at target x
Aw well done skinny legs - a great achievement :)
Thanks everyone. Oh dear came home from school after a stupidly long day, silly meeting. Boyfriend has made pizza and chips and we've got no food in the house. Oh well I'll just over syn it and go for 5 syns a day till Wednesday.
I hope everyone is ok and food shopping tomorrow is how I now spend my Friday nights!
So after the not so great dinner, I had beans with it and the chip's weren't as many syns as I thought. I got on the old turbo trainer for 20 mins felt good to spin the legs. Will try and keep my syns to 5 a day though. We're out at the weekend but I'm going to drive so alcohol passing these lips.
have you looked at the glycemic index? it is a great resource for healthy foods and leaves all that calorie counting garbage in the dust
Had a good day but the past couple of days I've found I've struggled with wanting to just eat and binge.
I've had a massive stir fry and I just want crisps and chocolate I think its because I'm tired. And let's face it you don't always fancy fruit do you?
I go through phrases with fruit...some times you just fancy something a bit naughty don't you :) well done for saying no though!
Well done for keeping up the great work hun keep fighting those urges :) pesky little things i had that last night just wanted to binge on the sofa whilst watching a film but resisted and feel better for it. Have a great weekend x
Heya SkinnyLegs, you're doing great with that 4lb loss this week - as you said the Xmas weight will be off in no time at all.
I ended up going to bed last night because the oh was eating chocolate and munching through biscuits, usually he's really supportive but I just wasn't in a great place. This morning I thought right im going to weigh myself- usually I'm really strict with weighing and only do it on a Wednesday. Well since then and today I've lost half a pound so I'm glad I didn't binge.
Today's been good, chicken and courgette stew for dinner it's 1 syn each which is good.
I hope everyone is having a great weekend.
Ooooh well done! I nearly bought some scales in a sale the other day but it would be a bad idea i think...temptation to jump on would be too much and im sure there would be dissapointment along with joy.

Well done on not caving in - its hard to do! My OH is constantly pigging biscuits/yogurt/cake etc and even buys vegan stuff and goes 'ITS VEGAN, DO YOU WANT ONE' noooooooooo!!!! I too find myself escaping to the bedroom to relax in a non-food related environment.
Hope you're proud of yourself for not giving in to the temptation! Well done :)

My oh was munching of 'melt in the middle' chocolate puds with double cream - so not fair!

Ya see, that's why I don't/won't have scales...I'd be a serial weigher if I did - more that once a day I'd be on them!
It's rubbish when they're munching through stuff and yout trying very hard not to crash and burn.
For some reason the last three days have been really hard and I dont know why. Im not even piling on the pressure who knows maybe I'm having a sugar low. I did have 4 1.5 syn biscuits after tea and I felt better for it. I'm hoping that today is easier.
I've finally had a day where I haven't wanted to binge.
Me and the oh went on a bike ride, im getting faster and stronger on the hills.
I'm at home whilst the oh is working night shift. We had roast pork, no crackling which was hard. Lentils and roasted veg. It was yummy and then I had hot choc and nat fromage frais it was lovely and really hit a spot. I'm going to get some for home.
I hope everyone is having a great weekend and is set up for the upcoming week.
Oooh glad you're feeling a bit more focused :) after your loss last week I am sure we can have another great week!

I find i go through phases on SW of being really satisfied, and sometimes I just can't find what I want to eat...strange.
Keep up the great work hun so glad you are feeling more focused and the bike riding is great :D x
Well done :) How good is it having a day without wanting to binge :)

Well done on the bike riding too, I'm very impressed..We've had a little too much snow here to bike ride lol

You just reminded me that I have a big jar of Chocolate orange Options in the cupboard, forgot about that!!

Any targets for this week ??