wk 3...

thanks tony :) yeh but no but yeh but no yeh....lol no i dont im originally from worcestershire but lived here a long time, so ive not really got an accent. 'i just likes to talks likes it now n theeeeen' ;):D x
Hahaha, its ard not to me ansome ;) xxx
well done ton thats flippin fantastic good to see someone so positive bout the trim and not a mention of cheating good on ya!!.michelle
Well done Yummy x 4lbs is great..its amazing to see it coming off week after week..bet you cant wait for next friday..the friday feeling lol.. keep it up xxx
thanks ang...yeh its a great but weird feeling isnt it, actually looking forward to being weighed!?! :) xx
I'm a born n bred Cornish Lass me, but I have a very diluted accent, as my mum comes from Surrey, and really rollocked us if said "Graaaaas, and Glaaaaaaas" lol
I live near Snozzle :D