
b:strawberries 0.5
L:risotto 11pts
S:lemon pasty 3.5
Dinner:tomato and pepper soup 0pts finally made one that wasnt disgusting woooo :)

total 14

Slendertone day 8 :20mins done!
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Today:BINGED! don't even ask! lol
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ok well i'll try an point it anyway.

breakie: 2 slices ww bread 1pt
cheese 1.5
bacon 1.5
sauce 0.5pt
strawbrrries 0.5pts

l:firbe plus bar 2pts

Dinner: whole pizza 16pts
chips 10pts
cheese X 3 8.5pts

chocolate 4.5pts
snack a jacks 1.5pts
sauce 2pts
custard cream 1.5pts

Total 51 ahhhhhhhh lol

Thats a huge 3215 calories!

slendertone day 9: 20 mins done!
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well i came home tired from work and hungry and the pizza was there and then the chocolate was there. i'll be good all week though! im sure it'll be ok :S

i did earn 10 ap's though....
You will be 100% fine, you save that many points in just over a week anyway, any gain will be minimal and gone in a few days. Still think you should eat all your points but as long as you are not hungry its ok :)
I nearly binged today too, its my TOTM as well so i am craving. I havnt given in and i have had my 19 points but i was trying to have 14 today. Im just drawin a line under my binge on weds and moving on and having my 19 points each day. Ive made my plan to have very low points in the day and then have more in the evening when i need it most.
I wouldnt worry about the binge, we all do it.
thats what i usually do , eat less in the day and have a big dinner. well tomorrow is a new day and a new week i've only binged three times through the whole diet so i think its ok.... just a pain in the arse really lol .... it all started when my mum offered a bacon sarni this morning when i was going to have fat free yoghurt..... damn her mothering ways!! lol
My theory is because my muslce mass has increased by 10% that'll deal with the extra calories i have consumed today lol
plan today:

yog and bannana 1.5pt
Tea 0.5pts

work:soup and bread 8.5pts

dinner: tomato soup 0pts

S:snack a jack 0.5pt and two brownie bites 1pt

Total:12 points

Slendertone day 10: 20 mins done
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tomorrows plan:

B:yog and bananna 1.5pt

L:cereal bar 2pts

D:risotto 7pts


Slendertone day 11: 20 mins done!
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B:cheese toastie 2.5pts

L: Pesto cheese toastie 3pts

S:snack a jack X 3 1pt

D:spag bol 6pts

S:hot choco 0.5
Total: 13

AP earned 1.5

Slenderton day 12: 20 minutes done!
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today 23/03/10:

Brunch: cheese toastie 2.5pts
nutrigrain bar 2pts

Dinner: 5 x quorn dippers (2.5)
300g potatoes made into chips (3)
Salad 0pts
5 snack a jacks 2pts
sauce 0.5pts

Total:12.5 pts

Ap earned today: 3.5

Slendertone day 13: 20 minutes done!
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its becoming a phase lately got to stop this!

Slendertone day 14: 20 mins done
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banana 1.5pts

pasta pomodora 5pts

popcorn 3.5pts

nachos 1pt

cookies 1.5pts

Total 12.5pts

Slendertone day 15: 20 mins done
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Todays plan.

Breakfast:Banana and toast and marmite 2.5pts
ww nachos 1pts

3 cereal bars 6pts

spoonful of lasagne 1pt

Total: 10.5 god today is going to be a looooong day

Slendertone day 16: 20 mins done
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didnt go over my points or any where near ten points for that fact due to my stupid boss making me work a 15 hour shift with 1 30 minute break. im so angry!

Slendertone day 17: 20 mins done
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breakfast: banana, toast and nachos 3.5pts

work: cereal bar 2pts

Dinner: gnochhi in pasta sauce 6pts

2 slices ww bread 1pt

2 wine gums

total 13

slendertone day 18: 20 mins done
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I don't know how you manage to eat hardly anything each day! 12points for one day! oh god thankfully I'm stopping at 11st! lmao couldn't handle any lower!
i usually eat more its just a general plan and when im working its always less as my break is short xx
B grape nuts, banana and nachos 3.5pts
L: skinny latte and cereal bar 2.5pts
Dinner: gnochhi bake 10.5pts high points but bloody gorgeous.... would have only been 6.5pts but i gave into the cheese :(

slendertone day 19: 25 mins done

total: 16.5pts
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