World Of Warcarft

the bugs drive me potty. I was in a dungeon last night and it teleported me out for no reason!! then theres the times you really would have thought that for all the millions of users paying £8 per month they would have fixed them before they released it! ho hum!
Yeah we had a nightmare in ICC this week, half the raid group were in a different ICC although we were all in the same raid group and all had the same raid ID. Took us about 45 minutes to all be able to see each other and then once we got going the Valykr's were bugging on the LK. It was not a good night lol

They reckon it is up to 12 million players now! Crazy.
my main rogue in my guild is still our top dps, and hes still loving his class.. you're right about the bugs.. i keep getting the one stopping you chat in /g, and you can't inspect anyone.. but i think thats something to do with addons.. ridiculous!
I took a raging hissy fit at WoW last night and stopped playing, every time I logged a que for the headless horseman, It either froze, or said I had completed it without letting me actually fight in the dungeon. That and every time I flew it disconnected me, I at the end just logged off and went to bed, my oh ran a repair on it so time will tell tonight if it's working or not, hell mend it if it isnt lol!!!
im having trouble with bgs too actually.. when i go in one and its already started and like im taking the place of someone whos dropped out.. i dont show up on the list of players, or get xp if we win.. i get honor like.. but im only doing it on my shammy tolevel.. lol
Getting into the horseman seems to be bugging for everyone. It totally froze on me yesterday too, i logged off stuck on the loading screen and when i logged back on i had the pumpkin loot bag in my bags lol
I am too a WOW lover :) I have a level 60 something Hunter. Havent played for a little while tho as need to renew my subscription and my current PC cant handle it without slowing down.

I miss it.... Have you ever seen Neewin....thats me :D
I've logged in for about 2 hours in total since the patch. my bf has been doing Halloween stuff for me as i just cant get my self motivated to trawl thru the million "ur addon is not compatible" messages when they r all turned off. BGs seem so bugged i tried but every time i have to do any thing involving the lil cog (cap flag, summon to a dungeon etc) if locks up and i get a d/c :(.
my bf is upset as he like to do all the achieves at the moment an all he needed was the pet but when he got it no achieve :( apparently last year you could cheat the hat achieve so the took it off every1. (justice for beating me on a roll for the headless horse mans mount:p)
i hope its all sorted by cata, my GM keeps trying to entice me to star-craft:rolleyes:
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Nice, i have a lvl 17 Draenei Mage so now i have something to work to :giggle:
Here's my baby: The World of Warcraft Armory - Anondra @ Eonar - Profile

Getting into the horseman seems to be bugging for everyone. It totally froze on me yesterday too, i logged off stuck on the loading screen
Thats what my partners been like all morning, he's not a happy bunny!!
I have a level 80 shadow priest with healing OS, and an 80 prot paladin with retri OS, i have a level 71 resto shammy with OS dps and a level 50 lock.. I have various other under 10s.. lol
Sadly BG's and all instances across all realms were badly bugged after the patch - though I think its getting better each day. I think that Blizz has tried to do too much in this patch and you are right they have nerfed all the classes quite badly. I just wish Horseman could be done at lower levels too - that would be fun - but then I guess that SM would be so full it would break lol. I agree that Halloween is the best holiday - although Xmas is good - have completed all of that one and got the Title Merrymake :D on my lvl 80 lock. I think I prefer those two festivals out of all the world events.

Is anyone going for a worgen or a goblin in Cata ? - I am not sure if I want to - might just for a giggle lol - all my toons are girls so must come up with some spectacular names for them then :D
at the mom i'm just logging in every hour to trick or treat :D my 9yr old has a hunter (been level 22 for about 9 months :p) lil mare got a sinister squashing 1st go grrrr lol
i might make a new breed prolly on new realm cos I'm full om my main1 but tbh i deleted the DK after a while found it a bit boring, maybe its because I'm not hard time in to it?? let me know if you do and what you think :)

did any1 try for beta testing?

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No i didn't go for the Beta. Did you?

I am definitely going for a Worgen! I wonder how many Twilight themed worgen there will be around!
No i didn't go for the Beta. Did you?

I am definitely going for a Worgen! I wonder how many Twilight themed worgen there will be around!

didn't get beta but 1 of my gulides did he said it was fun ish but to buggy atm to give honest opinion and the BGs where not up to much but i think they have been pants for a very long time 2 many want to farm them for honor not actually play the game, 3 day long AV's where fun lol.

my hunter's wolf is called Jacob but it has been since i started playing (waaaaay b4 twiglet) but I'm thinking we are going to see more varied spelling on the twilight cast then the horrifically high variations on belfs with LOTR based names pmsl!!! Blizz should give a prize for the worst / most imaginative NOT :D

Yay, warcrafty discussion!

My main is a level 80 ele shaman on Alonsus server - Shaminx. I run a guild thats just celebrated its third birthday - we are not a raiding guild but we go raiding a fair bit and do quite good at it. Its all adults, (well, by actual date of birth, mental age does not always match up) and its having a big old growth spurt at the moment.

Shamans seem to have escaped relatively unscathed with this patch. They didnt even get any patch notes, so insignificant were the changes. If anything, they are slightly better in dps than they were.

I have a worgen name saved "Worgenthedog". I wanted "Thesebootsaremadeforworgen" but it just wouldnt fit!!!!
Well Goblins are pretty damn cool but then I wouldnt go horde either... I know too many Ally players. The horde side on our server is SO short of players that I am surprised they havent offered a horde free transfer - I have been one-shotted by a horde lock's imp in wintergrasp because there was so few of them that they were hugely magnified in damage in order to address the imbalance. I think we are about 85% alliance at best.
Yeah our server is crazily outweighed by Ally too. Its always such a shock when you go to do VOA and they have actually managed to get it lol

My hubby is a resto shammy and he was quite happy with the patch as well.

I am actually finally getting used to it now. Aggro seems to be a bit crazy for us mages atm. If my LB and Impact all go off at the same time it can get a bit hairy.

We got down PP 25 Heroic this week though! Woot!

3 years! Well done! On our 3rd we had a guild PVP tournament in Gurubashi and a GM appeared and did a whole load of tricks for us, it was very cool!
I haven't played WoW in a year because my guild dissolved and Wrath just burned me out. Is Cata really as fun as people say it is? I'm thinking of coming back since I miss my level 80 mage a bit, but I don't really want to waste my money on something I'll abandon after a month....