WW buddy having to lose 75-100 pounds wanted

Ooh really? Id like to read that - will have a look :) xxx
Haven't been around. Had my exams last week - passed, woot woot!! Both with really good result :)

Havent been on plan during exams and am struggling to get back on plan. Good thing is I haven't gained. I hope thats a good thing, and not a health issue. Oh well...

Happy to see some more ppl joined us on our journey :)

I am refusing to set specific goals! My plan is to do the right thing, aKa stick to the plan, and eventually I will be my ideal weight.

I think that slow and steady is the only way to go about it. And I alliw mysrlf time off plan. At least it's what works best for me ;)

How are you all doing? What are your plans for the weekend?

10 of 88 pounds lost in 6 weeks (Slow & Steady & For Good)
Yay! Well done on the exams and staying the same. So easy to let study munchies have an effect (voice of experience).

Im just about back on plan ... slow and steady here too. :)
Have not managed to start back up on plan since exams. I really need to. Even if I tell mysrlf tvat it is OK to take it slow, I want to have won this battle by next Summer, when I turn 40. I have not re-gained weight, if I have it is less than a pound. But it has been 3 weeks, and what ai could have lost bothers me. It eas the same when I took the time off plan during my vacation. It was hard to get back into it, and I was bothered by the weight I could have lost.

The thing is, that I worry I will fail miserably onece more if I push myself.

Anyways. The course I just passed was project management. Losing weight is a project. And a project needs to be smart: specific, measurable, accepted, realistic and timeable (this is the Danish version, the English one is slightly different but same idea).

Funnily this was brought up at a WW meeting while I was attending the course.

Anyways. Am going to start setting goals:

My first goal is to get below 85 kilos by Christmas. This is do-able as it means losin 10-12 kilos by then, which means I have 11-12 weeks to do so. I can do that if I stick to my points and excercise

10 of 88 pounds lost in 6 weeks (Slow & Steady & For Good)
Thats a lot of weight for that many weeks! Not saying you cant do it, but surely 1-2lbs a week is still a good loss to have? Xx
Heya ladies. O 1 to 2 lbs a week is good. Id love to lose another stone or 1 and a half by xmas. We will see. Plenty more to lose in the new year though.

Had a bad eating day yesterday ... od'd on quavers! Lol. Not good. Being a bit better today.
Hows everyone doing? Ive sat at 7lbs for a few weeks now need to get my bum in gear!!!
Im in same boat as you! Pass me an oar! :) NYD restart for me too! X
Well i am weighed up and ready to start again! Anyone else?
Hehe. Me too. Decided to be a 3 month online subscriber and try and shift some weight. I had an.android diary app but removed it to try and download the ww app (which didnt work at all) so at a loss as to how to track. May go old school with paper and pen. :)
old school! :) can you not reinstall the android app?
Lol. I tried but apparently there is some issue with the wwdiary app so no one can download it at the mo. kicking myself. :-(

How was your day? I managed to stay on plan today. Yay ... First day. :)
I went a bit over as i bust all my yoghurts and refused to waste them, but other than that im fine :) looking forward to day 2!

Want to do my measurements too but ive lost my tape measure :(
Ee what a good idea!!