Happy Wednesday Nee. I have now booked my Race for Life in May (first goal) and I've also booked a month long cruise (eek) in October. This means I have to lose enough weight to put on about a stone on holiday (I mean, thats what cruising is for isn't it??). At least alcohol isn't included. I also need to find a full-length dress for the formal nights and can't face buying size 20. Whats your next goal now you don't have the bridesmaid challenge?
Hugs from me xxx
Hi there. My WI today and bit disappointed to have only lost a pound this week as I've been sooooooooooooo goodWill just have to keep going. Hope you have a lovely weekend. xx
Hey hey Mrs!
Hows it going?
Sorry to hear about the stresses your going through atmbut well done for coming back to it!
Are you still CCing?
Fed up of being a knobber with food! I MUST get back on track. So instead of calling it a restart.... Im just beginning again
Tomorrow will be Day 1, and I have to get my head into this! If I dont Im going to balloon more than I am already!!
Im worried about feeling hungry or getting stressed, but I know I can do this!!
Roll on tomorrow
You are right YOU CAN DO THIS! I've been away for weekend and been eating and drinking all wrong. And I don't think I lost any last week (didn't weigh on Friday - genuinely forgot). So hope that WI this Friday is a STS rather than an increase. Lets just give it another go together huh??!!:bighug: