I am glad you have a good man beside you. I think is really is hard for people to understand who dont feel those feelings of anxiety and fear of what others people are thinking and lacking jn confidence. There are people who are ignorant to these feelings in others who say 'oh just snap out of it, there is nothing wrong with you' and that is just not helpful. I have my down days like everyone, but I thankfully don't feel that darkness. That's what me and my friend call it - darkness. I mentioned her before didn't I? She suffers from BDD and depression. I can sympathise with her and listen to her but I will never really understand her darkness as I haven't had it myself. Let me tell you, she is a beautiful woman with a figure and height that I would love to have but she is so paranoid and anxious. We went on holiday together, there was me in my big fat one piece cozi and her in her bikini and she looked great. Who do you think had to go and get all the drinks and was quite alright with it? Yes, me. I have about 7 extra stone on me than her and she was too worried about what other people would think of her. It's not always about size or what you look like, i think it's about accepting yourself, your true inner self, not your shell. I don't know you well but you seem like such a kind caring soul and thats what its all about. If You have a good heart and soul, then that is all you need.
Take care Sugar and have a good day. X