hey sorry girls havent been on the last couple of days have bee getting everything sorted for chrimbo howryas?x
There really are times when a sts is a really good result. I know you said you don't want it to happern again & I'm with you on that but life does happern & what's important is that you just carry on. I know that when I've had a sts in the past it would have been a big gain so I know it's still real progress to loosing weight & keeping it off for life. well done
I suppose ur right hun thanks i was pleased tha i didnt get a gain at the end of the day im just hoping ive dne enuff this week to make a loss!
Hey chick fine thanks! xx
Like Lydia's class teacher says - at least you now know what you can eat when you are in maintenance!!
Got a right funny image in my head reading your post...sounded like you were actually still on the scales while entering your result on minimins...now there is "in the moment" weighing - made me chuckle anyhow.
So, no more blow outs, chocolate cake and lots of activity points this week. (do you feel like you have had a kick up the rear now????)
Good luck, lovely
Rosie x
lol glad i made someone laff i always post straight after weighing but i was having a mummy head tha morning and couldnt remember my figures lol but its def the kick upthe butt i needed hehe xx
Did you get to do any walks today? Hope your ok?
hey misses i havent had walks as such but have been shopping and on my feet loads xx
Good Morning Hun
How are you today,hope your doing well.
Not many more weeks till xmas
hey chick im grand thanks i know i cant wait just hope i can make this chrimbo challenge my trees going up this weekend i cant wait! x
Morning, how are you today hun.xx
good thanks hun hows u? xx
hey Emma, how you doing? xxx
hey chick doing ok i have been sticking to 16 points every day tis week so i can enjoy my xmas doo 2mo but its been really hard just hope i dont make a gain after 2mo! x
Hi Emma - I just wanted to see how you were doing. Hope your ok x
awww thanks hun im doing grand poor ryans teeth r driving him nuts making me so sad

but other than that im grand hows the wee fam? xx
Morning, how are you today.xx
good thanks hun hows u xx
Hey Emma, hope your okay x
hey look at me multiquoting misses ur a good teacher! hows u? xx
Thanks for ur replies girlies xx