Well done for staying on track whilst eating out! So much more temptation when you're out!
just popping into say your food diary is fab, im just loving your photos. can you come and cook for me please lol
That fritatta looks seriously nice hun!x whats the recipe or was it just all the veg in fridge with eggs? X
Great idea!deffo making that soon
Saw you eat these alpen light bars too: read somewhere that aldi does some 70cals onces who are seriously nice and better of price..going to give them a go when I get to aldix
I am good tahaving a hazelnut coffee atm, very nice x little girl is still down for her nap so enjoying quiet time lol x managed to squeeze myself in a pair of jeans which didn't fit 2weeks ago so chuffed with that lol x
How are you hun? X
dying to know what this Hazelnut Coffee is, it sounds lovely
dying to know what this Hazelnut Coffee is, it sounds lovely
Hehe know the feeling:S Ami has been waking up at night the last two nights so hoping for better tonight..sigh knackered after getting up the last few nights xxI am good too thanks been crazy busy today so finally able to catch up with myself now the kids are in bed! xxx
Hehe know the feeling:S Ami has been waking up at night the last two nights so hoping for better tonight..sigh knackered after getting up the last few nights xx
It's not fun getting up at night! my little one isn't a great sleeper, she is up for 2-3 feeds and around 8-10 times for no apparent reason, the joys, shes 7 months so really should be doing better than that, my 4 yr old girl sleeps great though so at least thats something lol:4635: xxx