Yakkady Yack Atkins Chat ...

Hi Jim ... everyone.

I'm great thank you. The only boo boo is I am finding it really hard to get to sleep at the moment and then wake up persistently on the hour from about 3am onwards. Last night it was particularly amuzing as Matt was talking in his sleep. Usually I sleep like the dead so it is a bit difficult to get used to. I am also not feeling the need to go to bed until later, usually I was in bed by 10 at the latest, but last night it was 11:30 and I was still wide awake! Anyway, not complaining. I don't feel tired - just a bit muggy headed. I am not a morning person anyway.

Anyway. Todays menu IS :

B : 2 rashers bacon, 2 poached eggs, mushrooms sauteed in butter (had to use the College canteen as I forgot to bring brekkie, poached eggs are NOT my fave thing!)

L : Chopped green salad of mixed leaves and spinach, turkey breast, mayo and a sprinkling of cheese.

D: Trying the Chicken Croquettes from the Atkins cook book. They look awesome, having them with cabbage / onion / mayo coleslaw, and some raw string beans.

Would officially be weigh in at Weight Watchers tonight but for the first time in 9 weeks I am not going. For a start weighing in at 7 at night can be so disheartening as we all know all sorts can happen during the day. Also I haven't been on Atkins for a week yet - that is tomorrow. Do you think I should weigh in weekly or do a full fortnights induction and then jump on the scales? I'm not sure ... as you read from my other posts I am a bit scales obsessed at the best of times.

Ta-tar for now. Rw x
Well, it's weigh in day. I have lost 4.5lb on week one of Atkins. I am absolutely thrilled to bits. I was so worried because the foods I have been eating just couldn't compute in my mind to weight loss - but I can see it works now and I am on my way to my next goal of 10% that is 13:11. That is the 10% weight watchers set me. Still staying to those goals because they make sense to me. I think I am actually over 10% in the long run now though which is pretty awesome! People have started asking me sheepishly if I have lost weight now - just this week and I give them a big grin and say "YES, I HAVE" it is the best feeling!!!

Anyway, that's enough for this morning. Another class to teach! :)
Good Morning,

i have commented on your thread but CONGRATS :) you must be over the moon! well done.

I can't get my head around the hig cal food and weight loss!! its like a dream come true haha!!

enjoy your day hun

Blah. Feel absolutely naff tonight. Don't know where it has come from, this afternoon at work I was just so, so tired, had to leave half an hour early and crashed into bed and slept dead for an hour and a half, woke up with an absolutely massive coldsore INSIDE my lip and a crop of ulcers on the tip of my tongue. I am guessing the tiredness this afternoon was the coldsore virus coming out. Still feel a bit rubbish, and very tired, also freeeeezing cold. Can't warm up. Had my coat on this afternoon, teaching in my coat - a new one!
Might reconsider my multivitamin, at the moment I am on the boots iron free "general" vitamin but think I need to find something else. I generally only get them when I am run down - odd because I really haven't felt run down the past week. One thing I am NOT doing is blaming atkins for the coldsore, no way jose .. maybe the change of eating. Anyway, moan moan moan ENOUGH already. Going to hit the sack for an early night and hope I feel better tomorrow. Night all x
Hi RW, hope you're feeling better and congrats again on the great weight loss x
Morning RW... Fantastic loss!! Well done! Hope you feel better soon! Take care. X
Morning All !

I do feel a lot better this morning. The viral feeling of doom has left me and the coldsore is at full flower. Cheaper than dermal filler hey? I have a nice full pout!
One thing that is really winding me up - and please feel free to kidnap my diary on this is that I am really not hungry. This is a new thing for me ... obviously, hunger has tourtured me my entire life - to the point where my parents used to say to me, "if you say you are starving one more time ill send you to Somalia and you can find out what starving is!!" Anyway, the difficulty is I am not getting anywhere near enough calories ... I think yesterday I clocked up 1000 and I was gagging on my evening omlette. Breakfast is also becomming an issue because as I type this I have had 2 mouthfuls and feel full. I know this is a bonus of ketosis but when you also have to fufil your 65 / 35 / 5 % FPC per day. Any tips would be greatfully digested :)
I went through a whole week of virtually not eating around 3 weeks ago, which is a complete turn around for me too....

I just couldn't do it! Walking round Sainsbury trying to figure out what to eat and just didn't fancy a thing!

So know how your feeling.......I gained a pound that week I think as my body went into starvation mode and reserved all the fat!

So started eating high fat, little and often like extra cream in my coffee and small chunks of cheese with salted peanuts (even though I'm on induction)

My appetite returned thankfully the following week!

Try upping your water and maybe do some of the above...

Your cold sores and ulcers will be your body's way of telling you that it's lacking nutrition, so try and get a small portion of leafy greens in as well if nothing more.

Definitely to do with deep Ketosis x

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Morning RW,

I know this is a bonus of ketosis but when you also have to fufil your 65 / 35 / 5 % FPC per day. Any tips would be greatfully digested

Sometimes I think we make this too complicated. i ate when I was hungry, never weighed anything, ate 3 mugs chopped green leaf veggies a day, and whatever meat/fish/fowl i fancied that day.
So it's day ... erm ... ive lost count! That is a good thing I guess. Started the day with a fry up ala Atkins .. a Sainsburys 97% sausage, bacon, scrambled eggs, mushrooms and tinned toms .. how many "diets" can you do that? It was gorgeous. Had 10g of pork rind for my "lunch" as to be honest I was way too stuffed from brekkie. Planning garlic pork chops with green veggies for tea .. and my once a week treat .. meria merigens .. sp sp .. you know what I mean .. made from Splenda with a big blob of whipped cream. I only allow myself one sweet treat a week as I am trying to be a clean and green as possible but Saturday night is usually takeaway night .. so you can't blame a girl for having a little treat on takeaway night.. because there aint no take out tonight!! Going to crufts tomorrow. Do you think it would be unfair to carry my pork rinds in my pocket .. the dogs will go bonkers !!! Not sure what to do food wise, this is the first time I am going to have a day out where there will be temptation. Pedigree Chum anyone? ... I'm going to have eggs and bacon before I go and pack up a green salad with meat to eat while there .. hope the Birmingham NEC still don't take food off you, otherwise I suppose it will be burger without the bun territory ..cosmic! :)
Hi RW... You're doing well ... As Jim says don't worry about things and just eat when you're hungry...

I have now started to remember to throw some nibbles into my bag when I go out - the ones that work for me are baby bels and little cheese sticks (cheddar) as well are some turkey or chicken breast - the packets that you can get at Tescos ... The fat content really satisfies so a little goes a long way... Enjoy Crufts and post pics if you can! Xx

Looks like your doing well hunny! And like u said if get caught whilst your out then it's easy peasy to remove carbs! Burger no bun! Hot dog no bun! :)

Hope your ok and had a good weekend :D xxxx
Hi RW, good day at cruft's then?

Crowther, cauli mash is the same as potato, just boil it up, drain really well, then mash with butter. i find it's better if you undercook the cauli and then drain and put it a hot oven for 5 mins before mashing.
Like Jim said about Cauli mash is easy - and absolutely delicious. Only difference I do is I put it in the blender with butter, salt & pepper instead of mashing it (lazy!). I actually prefer it - and think it fills you up better than mashed potato. It is wonderful with a lamb / pork chop. You can even put a little roasted garlic in the mash to make it super gormet!

Anyway, is it Monday again? Blimey, these Mondays always come around so quickly. I had a wonderful time at Crufts (posted a picture in the main threads) but really struggled to eat .. The NEC were charging £4.75 for a burger ... so if I took the bun off I was paying nearly a fiver for a piece of processed mangled, over cooked horse meat (joke) and I couldn't bring myself to do it. I had some Mr Porky in my pocket and munched on those throughout the day. By the end of Best in Show (well done to Elizabeth the Lapa ... although Merlin the Water Spaniel was my fave!!) I was very tired, very hungry, and very dehydrated. Not a good way to get - I think yesterday really made me see how this country is no geared up for any kind of low carb ... actually HEALTHY lifestyle. A complex the size of the NEC and NOWHERE to get a green salad, no meat that wasn't saturated in ketchup, gravy or stuffing. Worst thing was they confiscate food as you go in ,... really when they took my salad I should have explained I had special dietry requirements but White Coat syndrome took over and I happily handed it over ... aggghr.

Feeling a bit rough and heady today. Think it could be all the walking yesterday - plus the dehydration, so I am absolutely ramming water down my neck today and made sure I had a large breakfast (poached eggs, bacon, a sausage and mushrooms) as I am aware I really didn't eat anywhere near enough yesterday and was dreading the fabled "starvation mode" might pop in to say hi!

Taking my students to the cinema today - another area of dreaded hotdogs, sweets and popcorn .. but I have a bottle of water and a cheese string, that will have to do! Aghr to move to the USA where they cater for such mortals as our good selves - a friend just came back from a 6 month roadtrip around the states and mannaged to Atkins - without a hitch the whole time, that is eating out, staying in motels - she said you can even pick things up in vending machines ... we need to kick start the revolution here so I can get some decent scran not cooked by my own fair hands! :)
Did I mention I feel rough today this morning? I really do .. went to see War Horse with the students. It was absolutely wonderful and I sobbed my heart out all the way through - couldn't help it! The students were incredibly kind (some of them had watery eyes too - caused by an hair though, obviously)! My learners have Special Needs and they are so wonderful. Makes you realise on a daily basis what you have got ...

Not sure why I am feeling so poop, still think it must be a hangover from yesterdays lack of water and food (woe is me).

Todays menu du jour :

Breakfast : 2 bacon, 2 poached eggs, Mushrooms

Lunch : Little white bag of Mr Porky.

Snack : A rashed of M&S crispy bacon and a handful of leaves - eaten straight out of the fridge after my frugal porky lunch.

Dinner: Rib Eye Steak, romane lettuce, spinach, ceaser dressing (mayo and parmasan, not the real deal unfort ..)

Dessert: 2 tbsp Whipped cream, with a drop of vanilla extract, popped into the freezer for an hour ... the cream is going off so it would be a shame not to eat it ..

Gone over on fats today a bit .. but that can be rectified tomorrow.

Hopefully then ill feel a bit better ... now off to go pan fry that steak .. come here steaky baby ... :)
**note to self** don't make "whipped cream icecream" again .. you don't like it .. sicky town. Blughk!
Hi RW... Great diary!! Xx
I did some whipped cream over the weekend, bit of splenda and whipped till fairly stiff and then added a cap of whisky and stirred it in, was bloody delightful (well I enjoyed it, like tiramisu without the spongy bit).