Yakkady Yack Atkins Chat ...

Please don't stress about the post, we know that no offence was meant, you were sharing an observation which made you (&me& I am sure others) chuckle. X
Yes, stop worrying about it, tis gone, we know you didn't mean to offend - and that photo is gorgeous :D

Well done on your 2 week loss too xx
Thanks ladies.

Well I had my kebab meat and salad. It was quiet funny .. I asked for it and the guy said "with chips" ... "no" (confused look) ... "agghr, with Pitta" ... "no" (shake of the head and off he walks to cut off my meat. I think at the moment I said no sauce he had just about heard everything .. bless him, they took £1.00 off for my lack of condiment and bread! I think I am still firmly in ketosis as the taste is just about as gross as ever ...

ALSO .. and this is really strange .. I thought I would treat myself to a can of diet coke, this is the first "sweet drink" ive had in a fortnight and it is absolutely DISGUSTING .. I took about 3 swigs and poured the rest down the sink. It gave me palpatations and almost made me feel like I was sufforcating .. what the HELL is in it if it has that effect? I used to knock the stuff down my neck like my life depended on it. Yuck, Yuck, Yuck. Amazing how your tastes can change in a meer fortnight huh?

So anyway, I am thinking of creating a baseless cheesecake at the weekend for Mothers Day .. Matts Mom is coming over (me and my own Mom go by the we love each other every day rule so don't do MD!) and I want to do her a dessert .. as she will expect one. Have been looking online and want to do a baseless one, thought a combo of cream cheese, whipped cream, splenda and vanilla essence, made into almost a mousse in a glass with possibly some raspberries - might even throw in a bit of splenda meringue to make a cheesecake Eton Mess .. sounds nice huh? Ill have a play and get back to y'all with the results.

Beddy byes for me now as have a full day with my pre-entry group tomorrow - doing porcelain painting, which sounds easy enough .. but when you have 8 little voices asking for help for 6 hours it wears thin quickly! I have a student that is phobic of holding a paintbrush incase the paint goes on their fingers so will be working closely with them. Amazing the things that can become such an issue for my beautiful students!

More tomorrow i'm sure! RW x
Excellent diary RW... You're doing brilliantly! Xx
Morning RW, yes, that's the caffeine for you. That phobic student, would gloves help, the kitchen variety.

and well done
Nothing like waking up at 6:15 on a Saturday morning to ... REALLY PEE ME OFF! Still waking up REALLY early .. my usual waking time of a weekend was anything between 10am - 2pm !!! This is crazy! I suppose the good thing is I don't feel tired at all, this low carb lifestyle really does have some crazy changes. I thought this morning I would list the changes I have already experienced after 2 and a half weeks. I feel as if I am firmly over "induction flu" now and am feeling a sharper sense of reality.

1) SLEEP - after the initial waking up all night with the sweats things have settled down and now I crash out by 10pm and am up with the lark - this is a total 360 for me as I used to be up (snacking) until at least 1am and then in bed all day if I could help it!

2) Erm .. the toilet .. again, after the initial couldn't go / going too much of induction for the first time in my life I think I can put my hands up and say my IBS is "dormant" it is incredible! Not going to work everyday worrying about having to leave a class due to the call of nature!

3) Skin ... glowing!!! Hair glossy ... !

4) Energy ... NO afternoon slump.

5) So glad to see the back of hunger! I used to sit and think about food all day, everyday, my next meal was a constant thought. I was nearly always hungry and could eat without stopping. Now I can go hours and think "jeez, is it that time already" . I eat when I feel like it, and still really enjoy my food - always suddenly feel a hunger pang once it is put infront of me and enjoy every mouthful. It is so lovely not being a slave to the afternoon sugar dip. Some days I used to feel so ill, I would drive home from work, literally shaking, desperate to nip into the co-op to get a pain raisin .. as I knew it would make me feel "better". I would scoff it then crash into bed for an hour. I did this for years.

I feel totally liberated by this WOE - and have even hid the scales now because I feel comfortable. I am carrying on extended induction now. I don't NEED sugar and cakes. I am going to try to linseed today to make crackers though, I feel I need something a bit crunchy in my life. Other than that all is good ...

Now where is my Mom??? She rang me 3 times to make sure I was up early as they would be here between 8:30am - 9 ...no sign! Typical !
Hi RW, great to read your post as I can relate so much to it, although with all the water I am still getting up during the night, however I only have to get up once and not 2 or 3 times like when I first started.

For me the best part is not feeling hungry all the time and being able to say NO when ever I'm offered anything in the food line and not feel like I am missing out as before I might have said No but really wanted it now I say NO as I don't feel like it.

Hope you'e having a good weekend x
Some Food Porn .. (induction friendly)

Well, let me let you in on a little secret... since I have been old enough to be let loose with a frying pan I have been trying to recreate Mc Dee's and Burger K burgers .. it has been a lifelong passion (sad I know) .. but ive got one to share with you ...

"Deconstructed Big M" (famous burger by Ronald).

Make 2 thin patties out of minced steak. Season on one side with salt and pepper and put back in the fridge.

For the sauce pop in a blender a quarter of a WHITE onion, 2 tablespoons of mayo, one squirt of Heinz low sugar / salt ketchup, 2 small gerkins and a splash of the juice from the gerkins. Wizz up until smooth. There will be enough sauce for at least 4 "burgers"

That is your sauce and is the "winning" bit of this recipe.

Pan fry your burgers 3 minutes on each side - only turn once (that is really important). Keep pressing them into the pan.

take off the heat and layer the burgers with a layer of processed cheese, a bit of sauce - and if you have any spare carbs a few more slices of onion. Put the other patty on top, then pop on another slice of cheese.

Put a lid on the pan and for another minute let the cheese melt.

Serve with a big green salad (if you want it really authentic just iceburg lettuce shreded) and tonight I had 2 rashers of crispy streaky bacon too.

I am working through my list of other takeaway foods I have cracked into adkins friendly versions and as soon as I have done I will cook and show you! Sorry my instructions are a bit rambling - any questions just ask!

deconstructed big M.jpg
Morning RW... Great recipe! Thank you... And completely share so much of your post on changes since Atkins ... Well done on cracking it! Xxx
Monday AGAIN! Where does the weekend go? I know for a fact it goes a lot quicker than the week .. same goes for the holidays (mmm 2 weeks until Easter and counting!!).

Quiet a good weekend although I am really struggling to get my calories right, I know we are not supposed to count calories but "My Fitness Pal" Keeps telling me off - - YOU ARE NOT EATING ENOUGH .. RAAAAWWERRR ! BLAH BLAH! My average is about 1100 per day - and that is plenty for me, Im just eating what I want when I am hungry.

Speaking of food I just had my first and last "mock danish" all these little cheats I keep trying are just gross. I think it's because I love the real thing so much. I thought it might be an easier way to cram in an egg .. but blurhgkk. I am continuously disapointed with these MiM things .. infact I think I am going to give them up and stick with what I know.

Oh for this morning I also have a confession. "I am a porkscratchings aholic" I need help. Is one pack a day too much (The little pack by Mr Porky). I just LOVE them - ive always been crisp mad and I guess they have taken over. I make sure I rip down several pints of water afterwards to counteract then. So that's my confession. I feel lighter ...

Morning RW... I love 'em too but my teeth don't lol cx
Morning RW, I used to overdose on them as well, I'd eat 3 or 4 packs a day. LOL
3 or 4 packs seems grand to me Jim !!! I could easily mannage .. what doesn't make you sick eh ... ?? !
Sounds like you have this WOE all aced now - and it seems to be doing you the power of good - keep at it xxx
Hi RW - couldnt live without my yummy pork crackling:). Or indeed all the other goodies!:)
Hello. Nothing much to say today - skipped breakfast again, but had a grand lunch of chicken breast, bacon and greens with a blob of mayo - delicious. We have a marketing event at work tonight so I am going to be here until at least 7 .. didn't plan ahead as there is a buffet - got some pepperami and half an atkins indulgence bar in my bag if things feel desperate - feeling so hungry was awful yesterday! That's it really for today - I guess because this WOE is just becomming a Way of Life now! x