Only asking cus ur weight loss is brill on lite and I can't seem to get it right!!
Anyway - what Jez said is amazing!! I know it's hard when there is a feeling of uncertainty - you always feel like you are treading on egg shells and I began running around after him to almost stop him from leaving me?!?!
And by doing it I really lost touch with myself! Which fanned the flames of the fire even more. The best thing I found to do was take time to myself and think but an exercise as suggested earlier would have - 1) made the process of split/save easier and 2) ensured I didn't get a complex about myself and questioning my own feelings.
It's not easy but I guess only u will know how u feel x x x
Only asking cus ur weight loss is brill on lite and I can't seem to get it right!!
Anyway - what Jez said is amazing!! I know it's hard when there is a feeling of uncertainty - you always feel like you are treading on egg shells and I began running around after him to almost stop him from leaving me?!?!
And by doing it I really lost touch with myself! Which fanned the flames of the fire even more. The best thing I found to do was take time to myself and think but an exercise as suggested earlier would have - 1) made the process of split/save easier and 2) ensured I didn't get a complex about myself and questioning my own feelings.
It's not easy but I guess only u will know how u feel x x x