
Its just so desperately sad that people are so unhappy that they do this to themselves. It breaks my heart to think that youngsters really believ that being thin is the holy grail to happiness. It isn't. Self acceptance is the way to go, being grateful for what you've got and above all looking after your self. Having a strong and healthy body and a calm and happy mind. Thats the dream!
Cateka, you have done very well to lose the weight,I'm sure you look fine as you are. What diet are you following? Are you exercising? How much more are you looking to lose?
I am looking for some diet tips, since you've done so well.:)

Lots of coffee and lots of water. Flushes you out and keeps your metabolism up.
Make sure you get at least half an hour of cardio done EVERY day. This also kicks up your metabolism a bit.

I'm not really sure about how much more I want to loose to be honest - I have passed all my weight goals and I'm seeing the difference but I'm still not quite the shape I pictured. The difference is there though, I'm becoming a lot more 'shaped' - my muscles are more defined and I am starting to get that cute 'hour glass' look as my waist is getting smaller.

So my plan is to just keep at it for now:D.
Thanks, well you sound happy as you are, congrats. I think people need to realise that you are only 18, and being that weight is not the same as a 40 year old. As a young woman you will not have the same bone structure, just expect as you get older you might naturally fill out a bit and you might find it hard to maintain 7 stone 13.
Thanks, well you sound happy as you are, congrats. I think people need to realise that you are only 18, and being that weight is not the same as a 40 year old. As a young woman you will not have the same bone structure, just expect as you get older you might naturally fill out a bit and you might find it hard to maintain 7 stone 13.

Sorry xKatrina, but I disagree with your reasoning, a 5'6" woman whatever age bracket she is in should not have a BMI less than 18%, it is completely dangerous for you to be encouraging anybody to be dieting when they are already below the recommended healthy weight.

and Cateka, I've read this thread and at first I thought some of the replies where quite harsh, but I am 5'6", and as a teenager could not put on weight, I was 9stone, but you could see my bones in my arms and chest, everywhere really, and it was not a good look, so to hear that you are the same height, same age group and over a stone lighter sends shivers up my spine (which nowadays does not stick out like a skeleton) but I would never want to go back to that skinny look ever.

I worry for your overall health, both mentally and physically.:confused: I wish you would go onto some of the healthier forums, say WW and SW which would teach you healthy ways to eat, and not just survive on caffeine and fruit, both of which can separately be used as diuretics and laxatives ??
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I'm not saying she should lose any more, just that she prob looks fine as she is. Just because you looked to skinny at 9 stone does not mean she does. people who are my height and weight can fit it a lot smaller clothes than I do. Everybody is different. The BMI is not 100% accurate plus it is usually for adults.The important thing is to make she has a balaced diet, ans still has periods.

Maybe she does look too skinny and needs to stop, but without pics it is hard to judge, but there is nothing wrong with exercising.
Cateka, what size clothes do you wear?
Ok I never realised there might be unresolved issues around cateka and food. I think the most sensible thing to do is go to the docs and ask them for a check up. Defo do not lose any more, keep with the healthy eating and exercising. Good luck.
Karina, you do have a point and its on something which has been bugging me for a while. I'm not sure how far so to speak I 'believe' in the BMI scale - it suggests very peculiar things such as that over 50% of Americans are overweight. As fat a nation as they are known to be, I find that very difficult to believe. It seems the BMI is only used in comparision to the rest of the popuation and along with that it misses out things - bone weight, muscle weight etc. I don't see how its any more sense than the scales.

I was a size 8 but I am beginning to fit size 6 clothes (assuming they are REALLY size 6 - you know what some stores are like).

I did take a picture earlier today to put on my facebook to let everyone know how far I've got, but decided not to put it up as I still look a bit fat.
Still, we're all in the same boat on this network so here goes.
I think you look great as you are and you are certainly not fat.
When you are at the gym next ask them to work out your body fat %age as this will confirm that you are not fat, since I cannot see any fat on ya. Enjoy your new figure but do not lose any more.
Just seen your pic hun, you don't need to lose anymore hun. You have a lovely figure.
Do you think the Spice Girls are skinny?

I went to see them live in Jan and I tell you they are super thin in real life......

They did a fab show, I'm sat in the audience in size 12s feeling very frumpy... any how.... during part of the show Mel B sat down (I was in very good seat very near the stage), and even though she is super slim, her tummy moves when whe sits down..... ie small bit of fat/musle bends over... I suspect it is musle, but what I am trying to tell you is that how ever slim you are, and I am talking healthy thin, not ill thin, you will have a little roll of something when you sit down... just look at the cleb photos in the mags of them on the beach sat down, plenty of creases in the tummy.. It is normal. The muffin top///// just referse to people whoes waistbands are tight enought to keep up trousers, but whos midrift pops over the top and give a muffin top... it isn't about when you sit down.

So the advice about the gym is good, get your body fat done there.... you slim now any more weight off and you will look unhealthy....

Learn to love your self, you look very pretty.
You look very pretty and you are very slim, lose any more and you will look ILL. BELIEVE what i say, you ARE slim and have a lovely figure. If you are exercising, you will gain muscle, and muscle weighs more than fat so do NOT allow the scales to dictate your life, if there is a part of your body you are not happy with then exercise will help to tone/get the shape you want, but fat is not the problem for you, so please eat a healthy balanced diet which includes a moderate amount of fat. It can be really detrimental to your health to avoid fat products. Good luck
Sweetheart, I can't see where you are going to lose 12lbs from - you look fantastic as you are.
Hi, I realise this is an old thread, I found it to see if anyone else gets bursts of diarrhea every few days on CD.
I have a long way to go in my battle of the bulge, but some of what Cateka says in her earlier posts rings true for me too. Although I don't know how I will feel in a few months when (fingers crossed) I lose a more significant amount of weight. I always said for years that I'd be happy to get to 10 stone as I have spent all my adult life at least 2 stone overweight. I have been on CD for nearly a month and despite all my reservations and past diet failures it has actually worked for me with nearly a stone off. I am also finding it a lot easier than any other diet I have ever tried, and I even tried CD in my early twenties. I think the main difference must be my state of mind which may include personal life and relationships.
Basically I am happy in all other aspects of my life and the weight loss would be the cherry on the cake, as opposed to spending many years thinking that if I lost the weight then my life would improve. Maybe that rings true for others on here.
My first 4 weeks of CD have been so easy and the reward of seeing the weight coming off made me rethink my goal weight and I adjusted it from 10st 7 lbs (I am nearly 50 and probably have too much stretched skin from years of being overweight) to 9st 7lbs which is at the top of the acceptable range. I do worry that if it is this easy I may be tempted to go lower but I am hoping my love for food will stop me doing that
I can understand Cateka wanting to get rid of the muffin top but honey there's a big difference between rolls of fat and loose skin. loose skin can be because of pregnancy or previous weight increase, or as i supsect in your case that there is simply not enough healthy body fat to keep the skin taut.
I have a 20 year old daughter who is around a stone overweight which is nothing as she is active and has been a dancer since she was three. I also feel the extra weight may be down to muscle weight more than fat weight. Im sure this doesnt need to be explained on a website where most of us are fully aware of the difference in weight between fat and muscle.
There will always be someone who is skinnier, wears a smaller size, has a smaller waist, and those who pop out babies and ping back into clothes for 7 year olds, but despite what we may say and strive towards, I think we all know deep inside that the ultra think look is neither healthy, the norm or even that attractive to either men or women.
5'6 and 7st 7lbs is extremely low, but this could be increased by building up your muscle with a diet of high protein foods, lots of meat and pulses. This would solve the folds of skin when sitting, the bits of skin/fat that collects just above the wastline of tight fitting clothes. It seems to be the number on the scales is not the problem here but the appearance of the skin. From your photo you seem to be where I would consider at the perfect size. Remember its the lack of fat that makes us look older than our years when the padding goes from our cheeks, our necks and our décolletage areas. You are young and beautiful Cateka and remember that above all :)
I don't know if you will read this post, but maybe other site users may find what I have said rings true for them too :)