:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I sit here - thoroughly ashamed of myself (with very very tight trousers on!) wishing I could turn back the clock.
Reading my pre Friday posts it seems obvious to me that my intentions to get back to my diet after my 'Friday night off' were half hearted.
The word TRY appears far too much, it should have been I
WILL ss from saturday onwards.
Anyway the
BIG TIME! In fact it was actually one of the worst binges I've ever had. I feel so embarrassed to list what I ate but somehow feel like I should.
It started when I got home from the party at 5 (saturday morning). I ate a burger (with cheese and bacon), and a flapjack then went to bed. Woke up an hour later and had a bowl of special k. Went back to bed for 2 hours then got up and ate half a loaf soda bread with lots of butter.
Once OH and DD left for the day things got even worse. 6 packets of crisps (one of them was on a cheese topped roll), a 250g bar of dairymilk, 3 blueberry muffins, other half of the loaf of soda bread, a chocolate muffin and ANOTHER burger. Just when I thought there was nothing else left to eat in the house the ice cream van pulled up....I had a large 99 (with 2 flakes) and bought 2 magnums for later (not that they lasted till much later).
Feeling really really sick and looking as though I had swallowed a space hopper I went up to bed crying my eyes out.
DD was staying the night at her Grandads (I was glad cuz I didn't want her to see me like this) but OH turned up very tipsy at 10pm with a large pizza and another 250g bar of dairymilk! He only ate 1 slice of pizza and then feel asleep - but yes - you've guessed it - even though I felt sick and was in agony with my tummy I managed to shove some of that in too! And what I couldn't manage I got up at 7 oclock on Sunday morning to finish off. I couldn't sleep for the fear that my OH might get up first and beat me to it.
I was so ashamed - I told him that I'd given the pizza to the dog and convinced him that we'd eaten the chocolate together before he'd gone to bed the night before.
This meant that I had given myself permission to eat on Sunday too - and as OH had a hangover he arrived home from getting the papers with 2 bags full of goodies. I didn't complain......until about 5 on the evening when I had to eat 6 rennies and take to my bed. I had the worst acid reflux ever and (apologise it TMI...) couldn't lie down without my mouth filling up with it. It was disgusting - and as a result I had to sit up in bed ALL night and didn't get any sleep.
So - you'd think I'd learnt my lesson wouldn't you?? Sadly - no. Yesterday we went out to Longleat for the day. A day which started with a full english at a motorway services, cream scone midday, an large ice cream, then chicken burger and chips on the way home. Even though I felt sick when I got in I had this desperation to get rid of the last of the goodies OH had bought the day before. I tried to eat some ice cream and pringles but I just pysically couldn't fit anything else inside me.
Went to bed feeling disgusted with myself, very miserable and very scared.
Scared, because it just isn't right for me to eat the amount I have, particularly on saturday. I've always had a bit of a binge mentality, can remember way back, me and brother often used to spend our pocket money on piles of sweets and crisps and eat them in one go. And when most kids prayed for snow so that they could stay off school to build a snowman - we were happy that we could spend our dinner money and busfare on goodies then sit in front of the tv and fire stuffing our faces till Mom and Dad got home from work! It's always been a part of me but never on this scale before.
I just can't seem to stop myself once I start. Seems that now I have a food on/off switch - i.e. SSing or eating - the volume contol button has stopped working completely. I am frightened that it never will again! I really don't know what to do about it, but I need to do something as it's spoiling everything I wanted to lose weight for in the first place.
I had a great time on Friday night, really enjoyed myself and would have had a lovely day out yesterday if I hadn't felt ill from eating too much - but now I'm sitting at work
13lbs heavier than I was on Friday and when colleagues have asked if I've had a nice weekend I can't say yes and mean it. I have ruined what would have been a lovely weekend with food.
And ahead of me I have the embarrassment of my weigh in tonight, ANOTHER couple of weeks of panic SSing to get back to goal. ANOTHER 2 weeks of my clothes feeling skin tight (and that's if I'm lucky!) and ANOTHER week or 2 feeling really glum. And just by the time I've started to feel better I'll be going on a hen night (18th May) after which I will probably do exactly the same as I have done this weekend and the whole pattern will start over again!
I know this sounds defeatest - but I can't help it today :cry: - I am so tired of gaining and loosing this same stone over and over and over again - and after how determined I felt not to let it happen again last weekend - then blowing it big time - I do wonder if I am
EVER going to manage to maintain my goal weight for longer than a week!
And what will happen if one day I
can't get back to SSing after a naughty weekend - then it'll be 2 or 3 stone I need to get off - or who knows, maybe I'll wake up one day to find that I've put all 9 back on again?!
Apologies for all the self pitying nonsense. I know it's all my own stupid fault and that only I can find the answers WHY I keep doing it, and only I can make myself stop. I just needed to write it all down.
I could never tell anyone in 'real life' what I ate over the weekend - and when I try to think about it after the event I 'forget' things (totally on purpose of course!). I'm writing it down on here in the hope that seeing it in black
and white, will make me face up to what I am really doing to myself. I push it to the back of my mind you see in order to 'think positive' and focus being good again. Which = brushing it under the carpet I guess.
Oh well - that's confession time over with. Will try to end on a positive note - have SS'd well today so far!
Will update official weight in results later, that's if I can face my CDC. I am contemplating ringing her to say I can't make it as the last time I couldn't (for genuine reasons) she dropped my packs round to me the next day. Very tempting.....