Its as Emsie said, I think, that turning up to the GPs fat is a visible indication that something somewhere is not quite right. I daresay your friend doesnt go into the doctors with a spliff hanging out of his mouth, swigging from a bottle of vodka and munching on a kebab. If he did, I am sure the doc would have something to say. But I am glad to hear that he has a healthy BMW, if you are going to run an expensive car, its better to have it in good working order

My OH is much the same as your friend, although I think his chickens are about to come home to roost as when we went for a new patient appt at the GP today, they asked him to come in for screening for cholesterol etc, its an initiative for men over 40, so next week he has to go have a fasting blood test. I hope for his sake that theres nothing too horrendous to report but when you live on a diet of cheese sandwiches, pretty much, you are asking for a high cholesterol level...
Yes, there is a general assumption that GPs make, and it is never right to generalise when people are all individuals, but I daresay, if it got pulled up and you were living an otherwise very healthy lifestyle, the GP would be duty bound to investigate why in that case the person had a weight issue - and hopefully then treat the issue. Not all GPs are however good GPs, it is the same in any profession, there are good ones and bad ones, I have had my share of both, but I guess when you are tied down to investigating, diagnosing, or referring a person on in less than 7 minutes, it is easy to forget that they are individuals.