'Your GP telling you you're obese is wrong and just weight bullying'

I have read this thread with great interest and agree with so much that has been said and also understand how sensitive we can be when we are overweight, we do not need it ramming down our throats.

What would be appreciated in most cases is practical help............I believe in some cases local health authorities will pay for SW or similar. I might be wrong because after all I am just a foreigner lol !! Or just be referred to a dietitian.

I realise the OP posted about a doctors right to use the word obese. It is only a word, a medical word used clinically and not as a personal weapon or barb directed at the patient. I know I am obese and take no offence at being told I am. Mind you my doctor is the same size as me so she is hardly likely to say anything.

My husband smokes ( I hate it ) and every time he goes to the doctor whatever it is is blamed on smoking even though his doctor smokes too !!!

Perhaps I am thicker skinned than most because my husbands nickname for me ( one of them ) is *fatar$e* which just makes me giggle. I do have a fat butt and it is said with love and affection .

MLM as usual talks so much sense and Judi I love your avatar and yours Jay.
It was after a health visitor pointed out that I had to 'get that weight off' after having my Dort that I started to binge!

I was a stone over my maximum BMI at 12 stone she however was at least twice that!
Because I had PND I assumed that I must be MUCH bigger than her as she'd looked at me with such disgust! I remember thinking 'I'm never going to be slim again' I really did believe I was bigger than this woman! I went and bought a bag of doughnuts!

She gave me no help as to HOW to get the weight off! Just judgement!

Incidentally I have been offered the health check regarding cholesterol etc, measuring blood pressure ( never had a problem) waist size(oops) and to discuss drinking (three times a year), smoking ( not for 16 years) and diet (on SW) I don't see the point!

I think its disgusting that she looked at you in disgust, no matter what size she was herself.

Although I don't think you should judge others for their size, I do always wonder how you can be a health professional and be very overweight, purely as not only do you know the dangers but you see it all the time and the effects it can have. It's the same as health professionals who smoke, I just don't understand it.

It works both ways with that though, my friend who was only a size 14 at the time got told by a nurse that she was overweight and got the disgusted look about it, but this nurse was stick thin and my friend just thought ''oh well you would think that, we should all be size 0's shouldn't we?''
MetalMaiden said:
Oh my Gods, a GP really said that?

Just so you know, this thread is 5 months old :) x
wow this thread is making me realise that I have a lovely doctor!
I am very rarely ill so only go to the doctors to get my contraceptive pill every 6 months, if I saw the nurse she would weigh me and id tell her not to tell me how much I weighed, saying I am more than aware that I am fat... she would giggle and we would move on to blood pressure checks. If I saw the doctor he didnt even weigh me and said that I would lose weight when I was ready.
More recently I have been put on medication for stress and anxiety and have been diagnosed with OCD, I spoke to the doctor about my weight and he said that I really dont need any more stress and obsessions right now, just to eat better and see how i get on.
wow this thread is making me realise that I have a lovely doctor!
I am very rarely ill so only go to the doctors to get my contraceptive pill every 6 months, if I saw the nurse she would weigh me and id tell her not to tell me how much I weighed, saying I am more than aware that I am fat... she would giggle and we would move on to blood pressure checks. If I saw the doctor he didnt even weigh me and said that I would lose weight when I was ready.
More recently I have been put on medication for stress and anxiety and have been diagnosed with OCD, I spoke to the doctor about my weight and he said that I really dont need any more stress and obsessions right now, just to eat better and see how i get on.

Sounds like my Doctor.